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Oak Tree Fjord

A thriving community of gnomes and halflings situated on an island in the River Eamon. It was destroyed by an earthquake in 28 PH.

In the wee hours of 04-26-102 PH the party finds an entrance hall and great throne room of coral from the reign of Garland Knowleaf in the catacombs under present-day Troll Fjord.


In ancient times, during the exile of the KIth-El, there was a great battle between Ravehd and humanoid forces. He defeated their giant champion and called the All-Father to help, which resulted in a flood of water washing away the enemy with a sizable chunk of the land. The area was called Ravehd's Plunge after that, then Oak Tree Fjord as gnomes and halflings settled in the area.   In 26 PH, trolls invaded the area and dug tunnels under the city to invade. This invasion was repelled with help from Hanuman and the Pangborn family. The damage done by the trolls contributed to the area's destruction by earthquake two years later.   After the town's destruction by earthquake in 28 PH, it was rebuilt by dwarven engineers and human spellcasters into the walled town of Troll Fjord.

28 PH

Alternative Name(s)
Wee Town, Short Stop
Inhabitant Demonym
Fjorders, Half Towners


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