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The Black Mast

Slavers, brigands, ruffians, thieves. Their reputation precedes them and their flag is the most feared among the free folk of the realm. It is said that there is a special place in hell for the men who crew any ship that flies the flag of the Black Mast.

They travel primarily by boat, but will travel overland if the need demands it. Most often they transport a cargo of slaves; folk from all over the realm who have been bought or kidnapped into a life of servitude. On occasion, members of the Black Mast have been known to transport stolen goods and contraband from port to port, but only if the coin is worth it.

On 04-26-102 PH Alma learns from Gerda Willowman in Falls Church that a ship of the Black Mast, Lotan's Fist, sailed northward on 04-23-102 PH. The party suspects this is the ship moving slaves south for Chemosh.


Bram Rothwell and Stanus Millrun are both members of The Black Mast. They are the captain and first mate, respectively, of a ship that, more often than not, is outfitted with a brand new crew up to no good. The two have worked out a rather clever strategy for maintaining discretion about their business ventures, and for maximizing their share of profits. Suffice it to say, if you’re a lowlife looking for adventure, danger, and the promise of riches, The Tyrant could be the last ship you ever crew...


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