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The Grand Game

Periodically throughout Kunger's history the noble and wealthy factions of the city — or some significant subset thereof — will become collectively fixated upon some objective. Thus will begin a Grand Game.


Sometimes the goal of a Grand Game will be arcane. Often it is clandestine, although quite public struggles are not unknown. (On no less than three occasions the Grand Game has revolved around the appointment of a Tetrarch.) Whatever the case, the intense rivalries of the Grand Game give birth to all forms of subterfuge, covert activities, deception, and intrigue.


A past example of the Grand Game was the abduction of a child that belonged to a visiting nobleman from Ventris. The child was petrified and hidden in the city, with the stipulation that whoever found her would gain trade rights with Ventris. Another time, the Game involved bringing a live Klezan to the slave market. This proved to be a difficult task as sea travel usually kills them and there are limits to teleportation magic.


Not all Grand Games have had a winner and nearly a handful do not yet have a victor.


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