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Two Daggers

Assassins are greedy. Assassins are ruthless. Assassins are utterly self-assured in their own abilities. Exploit these traits to their extreme, and you’ll find the Two Daggers. Theirs is an elegantly blunt method—two assassins are sent on every mission, each with two targets: firstly, the mark, secondly, the other assassin. Some covet wealth; the promise of close to double what they could make working for another guild entices them. Some desire esteem; ‘the assassin of assassins’ is an epithet worth risking all for. Some…well, some are just blood-thirsty maniacs. All share an uneasy truce at their headquarters, each of them knowing that any other of them could have a knife to their throat on the next job and that as each job goes by, the blades are only getting sharper.


It is rumored a woman leads the Daggers. Purportedly inspired by the traumatic incidents of her past; she’s proven to be a shrewd businesswoman, keeping work steady, and having the history, skills, and charisma to keep her ‘boys’ in check and her word above contestation. It's said she takes sadistic amusement in predicting the outcomes of every job and rivalry she orchestrates.


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