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The Wyrgan are a race of militant goblinoids, known commonly as hobgoblins and derisively as Lust Hogs.


A Wyrgan measures virtue by physical strength and martial prowess, caring about nothing except the opportunity to demonstrate skill and cunning in battle. Wyrgans of high military rank attain their positions by force, then hold those positions by imposing their authority through draconian measures.

There are three known heritages of Wyrgan: those of the northlands, mid-continent, and southlands.

Those of the north favor wolves and condors for animals, while leaning toward arbalests, daggers, axes, and the occasional sword. They are the tallest of the three heritages, being close to six feet tall with broad features, and having dull grey to ebony skin.

Midland Wyrgan also use wolves and condors, while favoring longbows, daggers, spears, and swords that they like to wield two-handed. They run a little shorter and stockier than their northern cousins, being around 69 inches tall with more reddish skin.

Southlanders favor giant sand dogs and drakes for their mounts, using short bows while mounted, along with daggers, long knives, pikes, and javelins while afoot. They are similar in height to the midland Wyrgan, but are thinner, wiry, and lean with bronze skin.

Basic Information


Wyrgan males average 69" with females being 66". They are broader than humans and with more angular musculature. The Wyrgan of the northlands are dark-skinned, being black to a dull grey. Ranging southward they become reddish around Wycliffe and dull-orange around the Burren.

Growth Rate & Stages

Similar to humans.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Wyrgans train to fight with a variety of weapons, and have great skill at crafting arms, armor, siege engines, and other military devices. Organized and disciplined, they take exceptional care of their weapons, armor, and personal possessions. They favor the bold colors associated with their tribes and trim their often-elaborate uniforms with blood-red piping and leather dyed black.

Wyrgans organize themselves into tribal bands known as legions. In their martial society, every wyrgan has a rank, from the powerful leaders and champions to the rank-and-file foot soldiers, to the goblins that find themselves driven into the front lines at spear point. A legion is headed by a warlord with several captains serving under its command. A Wyrgan warlord is a ruthless tyrant more interested in strategy, victory, glory, reputation, and dominion than leading troops into battle.

Facial characteristics

Usually black hair regardless of skin color, broad lips, sharp nose, and sometimes a prognathic jaw.
Scientific Name
Similar to human, but usually less due to violent lifestyle.
Average Height
5' 9" for males and 5' 6" for females.
Average Weight
175 males, 160 females.
Average Physique
Sharply muscular and broader than humans.


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