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Anviril is a planet in realmspace on the prime material plane.

Anviril consists of various continents and islands, including Parawell and Ganameade on the central southern landmass, Gotenheim , Uatan and Eastern Rothax on the eastern side of the northern landmass, Upria , Grimmar , Arkaley and Western Rothax on the western side of the northern landmass. The continent of Malcor is located in the south-west. The continent of Cambia is located in the south-east. The desert continent of Namrax is located in the northern central region. In the center of Anviril lies the continent of Oshia Nura .

Throughout all landmasses and bodies of water, Anviril's topography includes tundras, grasslands, forests, deserts, tropics and highlands.

The history of Anviril can be segmented into 3 major eras:

Pre-history, stretching from year 0 back to an unknown length of time into the past.

The dawn of civilization, stretching from 1 AC to approximately 700-800 AC.

The common era, stretching from approximately 700-800 AC to the present.
Anviril Base Map Image
Map of Anviril


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