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History of Parawell

The Great Gathering

152 AC 400 AC

  • 156 AC

    170 AC

    Tribe of the Hillfolk

    The first realm to establish itself on Parawell was the Tribe of the Hillfolk, a group made up of various races, which established a primitive trading network, connecting the cresting ocean with the malcorian strait.

The Age of Old Parawell

400 AC 1200 AC

  • 401 AC

    852 AC

    Parawell advancement
    Technological achievement

    Seafarers known as the Brothers of Fortune obtained knowledgeable documents about technology and the arcane from the continent of Cambia. This advancement catapulted Parawell to be one of the most influential and powerful regions.

  • 1198 AC

    1205 AC

    The Demon Breach
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    An event known as the Demon breach took place and Parawell fell into chaos as the seemingly never ending incursion of demons breached the material plane. Ramas Marak, a powerful warlord, seized power from the government and united the entire continent under the banner or the red skull, symbolizing the decapitated head of a demon.

Age of Marak

1200 AC 1269 AC

  • 1205 AC

    Dawn of the Red Emperor
    Political event

    The breach was sealed and cemented Marak's rule over Parawell as the Red Emperor.

  • 1217 AC

    1267 AC

    Construction of Demonbreach
    Construction beginning/end

    The construction of the city of Demonbreach ended, as a vigil for the lives lost in the event.

  • 1269 AC

    1306 AC

    Red Emperor Ophion
    Political event

    Marak's son, Ophion becomes emperor, expanding the realm.

Age of Ophion

1269 AC 1308 AC

  • 1269 AC

    1306 AC

    Red Emperor Ophion
    Political event

    Marak's son, Ophion becomes emperor, expanding the realm.

  • 1305 AC

    Anti-magic mineral found
    Discovery, Scientific

    A new mineral is discovered. The mineral had a magic dampening effect if refined, leading to a power shift between magic users and non magic users.

  • 1306 AC


    Ophion's assassination
    Criminal Activity

    Emperor Ophion is assassinated by a group of mages, leading to civil war.

  • 1306 AC

    1308 AC

    Arcane civil war
    Military action

    Ophion's daughter Selise becomes empress. As an act of retribution for the murder of her father, the Arcane purge is conducted in 1308 AC, leading to the near extermination of magic users in Parawell.

Age of Selise

1308 AC 1366 AC

  • 1310 AC

    1312 AC

    Arcane laws passed
    Political event

    Regulations and laws have restrict the lives of the few remaining magic users.

  • 1366 AC

    Red Emperor Marcon
    Political event

    Marcon, son of Selise and the first half-elf to rule Parawell, becomes Emperor.

  • 1366 AC

    1677 AC

    Parawell becomes dominant nation in the region
    Era beginning/end

    Parawell expands its military and influence in the world.

The Marcon Empire

1366 AC 1526 AC

  • 1366 AC

    Red Emperor Marcon
    Political event

    Marcon, son of Selise and the first half-elf to rule Parawell, becomes Emperor.

  • 1366 AC

    1677 AC

    Parawell becomes dominant nation in the region
    Era beginning/end

    Parawell expands its military and influence in the world.

Age of Laska

1884 AC and beyond

  • 1892 AC

    Parawell provides Malcor with military assistance
    Military action

    The continent of Malcor experiences multiple incursions by demons. Parawell provides assistance.

  • 1946 AC

    1978 AC

    The Gate event and the war against Azda
    Military: War

    The Gate event occurs, Parawell's current emperor Laska sends his military to Malcor to combat the incursion of the Beholder Azda.

  • 1979 AC

    Azda defeated
    Military: War

    The Beholder Azda is defeated, the breaches remain open.

  • 1979 AC

    Red Emperor Laska invades and occupies Malcor
    Military action

    Emperor Laska receives a demand from the fractured government of Malcor to withdraw his forces in 1979, Laska refuses. Malcor becomes a militarily occupied colony of Parawell.

  • 2027 AC

    Political tensions in the cresting ocean
    Criminal Activity

    Political tension between Parawell and Ganameade and Cambia hightens as piracy increases in the cresting ocean.