Andalusian Empire

For the last millennia the minotaur lead Andalusia has been the biggest empire in the world and the richest nation to have ever existed. The Capital of Cortazar stands in the center of the world, receiving riches from the east through Hanssa, magic and slave wealth through Tigris and smokepowder from Porto Blanco. All power exudes from Cortazar and all riches flow back to it. The civilization machine of the [Church of Erathis]( constantly charges forward settle, constructing and modernizing every thing it touches, and Cortazar has swallowed dozens of towns and smaller cities around it into a metropolis like this world has never seen before.  


Andalusia spawns the world from the fertile western tip of Antigua, to the northern cold coasts of Hanssa that connect to the Amethyst road and the trade of the east, to the sourth colonies past Tigris that mine the resources of the Shattered Isles, to the plantation fort cities of the new world.  

Rian & Hanssa

The seat of the empire lies in the Rian peninsula, a fertile land of rivers that flow from a mountainous core where Cortazar sits. The southern coast is covered in basins and coastal towns that overflow with trade and fishing. To the south east there is the Aldragon mountains and a fortress line of the same name, a network of mountain forts connected to each other with magic to defend against the presence of the Kingdom of Urquessa beyond that.   The northern coast is mountainous and made of cliffs with a few strategic port towns. North east leads to the flat plains that flood and become the trading ports of Hanssa. A path through the northern mountain chains leads east into the middle lands and the Jovian coast, and further eastwards and beginning of the Amethyst road.  


The southern island of Tigris used to be an independent kingdom before; the ties to the mainland Kingdom was strong, both ruled by Minotaur clans that traced their origin to the first coming. This alliance of centuries was cemented a generation ago and operated the royal line of Tigris was left with a male King and no daughters and was made to marry into Andalusia. Tigris is the stepping stone of the empire towards the colonies in the Shattered Isles, and the Tigris channel in between it and the Rian peninsula is the best protected sea route in the world. It forces the nations of Urquessa, Jovia and Albiria to sail south, through the Shattered Isles, in other to get to the New World.  

Porto Blanco

Andalusia was among the first nations to venture forth and stage claims in the new world, this grand endevour was to be an example of Andalusian ingenuity and might; but it was met with deadly resistance by the mainland first nations. By the turn of the century most mainland Andalusians settlements had either failed under the stress of constant attacks or been burned to the ground by organized armies of first nation, which fled back into their cities deep in the Ilsirian jungles.   Nevertheless, the island settlements remained and among them the city of Porto Blanco flourished as the capital of the new world. The city is protected by the massive fort of Santa Justicia, known in the area as La Fortaleza. This feat of engineering is capable of protecting the busy port city from any imaginable attack and its magical defenses challenge even those of the Aldraggonian line.  


  The economy of Andalusia is heavily based on the triangle trade between Antiguan manufacturing, Shattered Isles slavery and Ilsirian smokepowder and trade goods. The Rian peninsula is rich in copper and extremely fertile and through Hanssa Andalusia holds a good portion of the trade with the East.   Through the Amethyst road they also import a lot of iron wood and silver; Andalusia’s relationship with Albiria has become strangely close since the taking of the Cantian trade ports in Albiria and the recent reconquest of the Ilk peninsula. Both events have brought Albiriia in close contact with the empire which has resulted in a steady flow of goods through Hanssa and surprisingly low priced manufactured goods making their way to Albiria. It appears there are unspoken treaties between the two nations, and now at days is easy to find find Andalusian guns in the Ilk front line and Andalusian cannons made of Albirian ironwood.  


The Andalusian goverment is made of the ruling Emperatriz, a higher house (Senatus) made of the heads of each of the high clans (Consuls - Queens and Kings of their own right with nobles bellow them), and a lower house (Tribunus) made out of the heads of every other clan (Auspicies - Landowning nobles). These bodies are further divided in more hierarchical structurtures with members holding more or less power depending on titles within each body. The Emperatriz has the last word and ultimately holds the vast majority of the power within the empire, but she can be held accountable within her own clan and hers is defnitely not an irraplaceble position. She must know how to maintain the support of both houses (or at least their most powerful members), less they support another family member to take her position or worst for a different clan to rice up to the throne.   Most political figures are Minotaurs of reknown clans, but there is also Satyrs of great deeds that can be found in the Andalusian goverment.   Political power in Andalusia is constrained within noble families but directly related to militiary service; and military service also includes urbanization of conquered lands. Power, in the Minotaurian society, is then equal to how much one and one’s clan can do to further expand the dominion of the empire; failing to do so can mean ruin.   > Being of (or marrying into) a noble clan gives you the right to take power for yourself. >   The Church of Erathis works very closely with the Andalusian goverment and they keep an extensive tally of the works that each clan does all across the empire. They use divine magic to confirm claims and support projects stablished by the Empire, and theirs is often the deciding word that makes or breaks a noble.   ### Current Empirial Family   Emperatriz Francisca Al-Tani, Queen of Cortazar and Tigris Emperador Lucia Al-Tani, King of Frater and Duke of Maderna Grand Princess Illsabeth Al-Tani, Heir apparent, Queen of Hanssa, Ducchess of Ashtur   Late Grand Princess Maxima Al-Tani, Late Heir Apparent, Deceased (After challenge).   # History   The stories say that a 100 tribes of minotaur were rescued from the Underworld by Erathis and taken to Ao to spread and turn Chaos into Order.   The travelled far from each other and created kingdoms of their own, their fortunes rising and falling. Some stayed true to Erathis and created bastions of Order and civilization.   Three millenia ago these kingdoms banded together to push against the rising Urquessa nation in the mountains; the war would stall but the alliance would prove true. The kingdoms gathered under a single clan, the Al-Tani and founded the Andalusian Empire.   A thousand year or so ago the island of Tigris and surroundings joined them as well.   In recent times Hanssa has also been added to the fold.   # Inhabitant   Andalusia has a Minotaur and Satyr majority with a multitude of other races that serve in diffferent degrees. They have a very strong caste system that determines the mobility of each race and how they can operate in society. There are five castes, defined bellow:   1. Nobles - Ruling class and members of goverment. These are land owners and is compromised mostly of Minotaurs with a few exceptional Satyr clans. A Minotaur is considered to be a Noble unless marked otherwise or of a clan that has been brought down to Madanis. 2. Madanis - Are the citizens; they are the foremen, Slaveowners and business owners. They are expected to work civil works or industry. Satyrs and High Orcs are assumed to be Madanis unless marked otherwise, and exceptional individuals of non-human species can ascend to Madanis and given the marks. 3. Plebes - These are the lower class, it includes artisans, entertainers, artists, merchants (to a degree), any work that is not related to building or civil works. All non human races are considered to be part of this caste, unless they have markings that set them to be something else. 4. Peónes - These the non-peoples: slaves, rebels, non-believers and humans. All humans are considered Peones, and any claiming not to be would have a very hard sell.   # Religion   The Church of Erathis rules every day life in Andalusia, their myths and societal ideals all come from it and it impermiates all aspects of life. The Church is almost undisguishable from the goverment, they sanctions and oversee projects, keeps records of ownership and can be called in as judges or divine witnesses.   To the Church the White Bull is a holy symbol, any minotaur children born with white fur can expect to be taken in by the church at a very early age.   Anyone can be part of the church but it is ruled by similar structures found in the govermenet and the caste systems of society, with Minotaurs and Satyrs on top.   # Military   Divine crafting, Forge clerics and paladins are blessed with special rituals that can be used to protect civilization (powerful anti magic fields, spells of detection and no flight zones)   Paladins and cleric of Order are the speciality of Erathis, and the they will find support almost anywhere in the world. Outside of the church of Erathis Order oaths are weaker.   Andalusia has the bigger pool of manpower from all nations, it’s army is massive and highly organized to be able to spread all around the world and still be effective. The armies are made of war clans and supported by slaves all part of the same strict hierarchy. Andalusian military still prefers to meet enemies head on in melee, depending on its clerics to create protection against enemy fire.   Andalusian fortifications know no equal, with powerful magic to make them stand against anything other nations can throw at them.   # Opinions
Geopolitical, Empire


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