Corsair's Tricorne

This black leather tricorne hat is weather-beaten and saltstained.
  While attune to this hat and wearing it, you gain the following benefits:
  You gain proficiency in Water Vehicles and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus. You add a bonus to any Athletics checks involving swimming equal to your proficiency bonus. When you attune to this hat, you can swear loyalty to Corsair. If you do, as an action you can speak a a command word to transform the hat into a small ship’s boat. The hat cannot be used is this way again until the next dawn.
  The boat is 20 feet long, has two pairs of oars and a single mast with a square sail, and can carry up to 12 passengers and crew. Upon command, or after 8 hours, the boat returns to hat form, dumping out any occupants.