Densetsu, Creation according to the East

The Ryuugani consider Ryuujin to be the first being of this world, part of a family of cosmic beings and this world to be a gift for it to grow withing it and enjoy. When it arrived it was an empty land. With its magic it created a paradise for itself, but a perfect world caused it no growth, it learned nothing and stagnated. In its infitinite wisdom it divised a plan to challenge itself and grow beyond this planet to rejoin his brethen in the cosmos. It split itself into the 13 tribes of dragons, each with an aspect that made whole would be the Dragon Emperor itself.   The 13 tribes spread far and wide, living life in many different terms, creating many wonders and coming together to share knowledge. Their magic spurred many different beings into existance, which out of curiosity they allowed to go forth and multiply. They created the dragonborn to further understand a lesser way of living, but also to serve them and help them with the limitations of their own bodies.   Until a faithful day where a single dragon acquired in its studies cosmical knowledge so high it could tap upon the tapestry that bounded together, Ryuujin still existed, for it was the connection that existed across all creatures of this world, and they could reconnect if only they reached out.   This dragon became Ryuujin itself, God Emperor, closest to the connection among all dragons and all creatures of this world, able to hold knowledge and no longer be multitude. The Ryuujin is not just a title that gets passed down generation by generation of dragons, but also a source of power since the knowledge of obtain by all Ryuujin gets passed down and so the god emperor becomes less multitude with every passing generation.   It is the Ryuugani’s hope that some day Ryuujin will live through enough generations to accumulate all of the knowledge it has obtained throughout millenia and so coalesce into one again; but for that the Ryuugani must venture out and recollect the knowledge that was lost. They must bring back into their foil the other creatures that ar  
There is story about a 14th tribe of dragons that existed before and was supposedly lost to time. With the discovery of the new world and the Mahuans who speak draconic, some Ryuugani believe to have found the 14th tribe.
    With passing time the Ryuujin became more and more a multitude, soon it forgot itself, the creatures of the world no longer saw themselves as part of a whole and fought among themselves. The tribes split and chaos ruled.


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