
Ryuugan, Ryuugani peoples, Amethyst Empire Sino-Japanese. Samurai/Asian attires They are lead by 13 dragon lords, with @Ryuujin, The Emperor God as the leader above all. Known as the Amethyst Empire because the ruling dragon is an Amethyst Gem Dragon of logic. Ryuugani have highly advanced technology, being the first to discover Smokepowder and create Firearms @Ryuugani Firearms v0.1 - Public. They also have the multi-shot technology of star firearms, a highly coveted and well kept secret.
  Dissenting dragonborns (who don't want to serve dragons) flee west and can be found everywhere. There is a lot of them since Ryuugaoku is a land of constant split and rebuild, as the dragons disputes take centuries and don't care to sacrifice dragonborn lives for it. The technology of firearms and cannons came with the flee of people from the east; many being welcomed with open arms by the @The Company | Kingdoms of Cantia
  Other populations include: Kobold servants and slaves. Goblinoid slaves from the @Republic of Albiria Dwarven and gnomish trading outposts as from . Human, Tabaxi and Leonin traders along the Amethyst Road


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