The Pirate Code

The Pirate Code, coming from Corsair, God of Pirates 's laws. 
  • Take what you want, give nothing back.
  • If anything is worth doing, it is worth doing to excess.
  • Do not begrudge anyone the accident of their birth. Do not begrudge that which cannot be changed. Remember that Our Lord is half-blooded bastard.
  • There are no bastards on Corsair's seas.
  • Alcohol is a divine gift. Do not allow Our Lord’s gift to be wasted.
  • If parley is formally requested, it must be granted.
  • Do not needlessly slaughter someone who has surrendered.
  • If a hale and hearty prisoner refuses to work their way to land, they may explain to Our Lord why they refuse to work. It is not murder to arrange this discussion.
  • Do not steal from another of Corsair’s faithful while upon the sea.
  • Before leaving port, shares of the coming bounty must be agreed upon by all members of the crew.
  • A ship with its own flag is sovereignly ruled by the Captain and their officers.
  • A captain must be the last to disembark a ship that is sinking.
  • Mutiny upon the sea is a sacrilege against Corsair. Such mutineers cannot be counted among Corsair’s own, unless they are pardoned by The Lord himself.
  • Never write The Lord’s laws down with quill and ink.

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