Blush Bloom (e-bri-us f-lore-ey)

Ebrius Flore

Ebruis flore is a common forest flower that blooms across Aolara. It has a deep purple colouration and can usually be found growing deep in the undergrowth of dark forests or at the base of mountains. Its thick stem has a prickly outer skin and its yellow centre stains the fingers when touched. Ebruis flore flourishes in warm, humid climates and doesn't need an abundance of sunlight to survive. Large populations of this flower thrive in the rainforests of Lanali, shadowed by towering trees and their intertwined canopies overhead.

Although pretty and decorative, Ebruis flore possess another quality. When crushed and boiled, this flower produces an ethanol-like liquid potent enough to blur the senses. Over the years many have eaten ebruis flore to enjoy its drunk-like effects. It is famous for making it's consumers red in the face and as such, the plant was given the nickname blush bloom. In recent years, a distillery in Lanali has perfected the blush bloom's intoxication abilities and created a popular product sold across the continent called blushing gin.

Individuals looking for a good time must be careful when ingesting blush bloom raw. It has been proven that eating too many of this edible flower can cause paralysis and other effects similar to extreme alcohol poisoning.

Blush Bloom

Names - Ebruis Flore, Blush Bloom   Type - Flower   Size - Small   Preferred Terrain - Forests, Rainforests, Jungles   Preferred Climate - Tropical, Temperate   Effects - Intoxication, Poison
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