Braceberry (se-ru-li-um mar-mor-is)

Caeruleum Marmoris

Braceberry are a famous flowering plant from Sansura. They are exceptionally nutritious, beautifully blue, and the inspiration behind the transmutation spell, goodberry. It is still unknown as to why, but the braceberry plant only grows along the banks of Sansura's famous Glassring Oasis. Those who live alongside the oasis in the town of Kraya have monetized braceberries, and claimed exclusive possession over the growth and distribution across the world.

Braceberries grow on thin, 4ft tall bushes. Each bush holds dozens of clusters, and a singular cluster usually contains 8 to 12 berries. The berries themselves are staggeringly beautiful. Each one is perfectly round, blemishless, and as blue as the waters of the oasis they grow beside. The outer skin of each berry has a reflective sheen that seems almost glass-like in appearance. If properly cultivated, they can sometimes be mistaken for jewels, polished stones, or even marbles.

Above each cluster grows a handful of tiny blue flowers that bloom once a year. To blossom, the flowers siphon all nutrients from the berries growing beneath them. The berries shrivel and die as a result. Although you can pick braceberries as soon as they have matured in size, the people of Kraya have learned to harvest just days before the flowers begin to bloom. This ensures the berries have had the most time possible to develop before being picked.

Ecologists from across Aolara are still baffled as to why this special berry only grows along the banks of the Glassring Oasis. Although it is unanimously believed that the pristine waters of the oasis, famous for its accelerated healing properties, must have a connection to the braceberry growth, it is still unclear as to how or why. Some theorise that the sunken remains of Old Kraya at the bottom of the Glassring Oasis could be tied to the phenomenon. However, explorers and archeologists brave enough to dive down into the ruins have yet to find anything that could lead to answers.

Not only are braceberries stunning to behold and extraordinarily delicious, but they are also capable of fantastical feats much like the waters of the oasis they grow beside. One braceberry provides enough nourishment to sustain the average person for an entire day. When this ability was discovered centuries ago a group of elven mages were so impressed that they weaved and formulated a new spell with the braceberry as their inspiration. This is where the spell goodberry originates from.

50 years ago a team of botanists from Lendin College discovered that the braceberry was capable of even more. When three berries are crushed and boiled in clean, freshwater, the resulting blend temporarily bolsters the body. When consumed you gain 10 temporary hp that lasts for roughly 24 hours. Additionally, your skin adopts a similar glassy sheen as the braceberry.

The first desert travellers would visit the oasis and pick these berries before long, arduous journeys. Their ability to substitute the nourishment needed and brace ones stomach for extended periods of time without proper food led to the name Braceberry.


Names - Braceberry, Caeruleum Marmoris   Type - Berry   Size - Small   Preferred Terrain - Oasis   Preferred Climate - Dry , Tropical   Effects - Healing, Bolstering
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