Cinder Blossom (ig-nis pet-al-is)

Ignis Petalis

Ignis petalis, or cinder blossom, is a fiery red flower that blooms from the petricatus bush. It grows in environments of extreme heat and pressure such as deep underground beside pools of molten magma, or on the sides of active volcanoes. The bush is stone grey and rigid in structure, as though petrified by the intense heat that swells nearby. It produces very little foliage except for the occasional burst of orange and red cinder blossom. The petals themselves are as bright as the fire and magma that surrounds them. Their edges curl and glow like the final embers of a bonfire, and eventually smoulder and blacken at the end of their life cycle.

Not only are cinder blossom difficult to harvest due to their dangerous location, but they must also be picked from the petricatus bush almost immediately after they bloom to preserve their properties, and prevent them from breaking apart. Alchemists have tinkered with cinder blossom over the centuries and learned that if prepared correctly, they can provide the consumer with fire resistance for a short period of time.  
                                                                                                                   - Petricatus Bush

Cinder Blossom

Names - Ignis Petalis, Cinder Blossom, Scorched Petals   Type - Flower   Size - Small   Preferred Terrain - Volcano, Cave, Underdark   Preferred Climate - Dry, Tropical   Effects - Fire Resistance
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