Cloud Puff Mushroom (nu-bem fun-gus)

Nubem Fungus

The nubem fungus, known universally as the cloud puff mushroom, can be found all over Aolara. These spore-bearing mushrooms can be difficult to obtain as they have only been known to grow at the very peak of mountains. Cloud puffs have a round, bulbous shape and a soft, fleshy texture. Their size varies from one to three feet tall and can be found in groups of five or more. If any sprout close together they usually end up merging into one larger entity. Their milky white colouration allows them to blend in with the surrounding snow and their sticky underside gives them the ability to cling to sheer surfaces and withstand the strong winds that occur at such high altitudes.

Over the years many adventurers and explorers have perished whilst attempting to gather cloud puff mushrooms, increasing their desirability tenfold. However it isn't just their awkward and dangerous location that makes them valuable. When boiled at the correct temperature and eaten, cloud puffs alter the consumer's weight to that of a feather, allowing them to float instead of fall from any height. The length of time this change lasts is still up for debate. Some say it ends after one hour and others argue it varies depending on the size and potency of the cloud puff mushroom used.

This odd and lightweight effect given by cloud puffs inspired the creation of the feather falling spell some centuries ago.

Cloud Puff Mushroom

Names - Nubem Fungus, Cloud Puff, Puffball   Type - Fungus   Size - Medium   Preferred Terrain - Mountains   Preferred Climate - Continental, Polar   Effects - Feather Falling
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