Dire Bear Species in Aolara | World Anvil

Dire Bear (ursus dirus)

Dire bears are enormous versions of regular bears that make their homes in vast temperate forests and continental mountain ranges. They tower over their smaller cousins, and are particularly difficult to slay. No one truly knows where dire bears come from. Some believe that they are the remnants of an ancient and dying species, unable to sustain their size in today's world. Others believe that if a bear is exposed to fey magic, their offspring will be born a dire bear.    


Most dire bears are 12 feet long and weigh as much as 8,000 pounds (3.6 metric tonnes). While resembling oversized bears, they can also have all manner of unique characteristics. Some dire bears have bony plates along the joints of their body, others have extendable claws and fangs, and a rare few have glowing green eyes capable of truesight.    


Dire bears do not normally attack other creatures unprovoked. However, they can be aggressive in defending a food source or a kill inside their territory. They are omnivorous, but will certainly tear apart anything they believe to be a threat to them. Most dire bears do not get along with one another, and live alone as a result. They usually do not breed amongst themselves, and instead seek regular bears to mate with. Some ettin and giant clans train dire bears to act as guards or pets.

Dire Bear

Type - Beast   Size - Huge   Alignment - True Neutral   Language(s) - N/A   Preferred Terrain - Forests, Mountains   Abilities - N/A
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