Dire Wolf Species in Aolara | World Anvil

Dire Wolf (lupus dirus)

Dire wolves are the ancestors of grey wolves that have been kissed by fey magic. They are a larger and more feral breed of wolf that reside in sprawling forests and along the slopes of snow-covered mountains. Dire wolves have been hunted close to extinction by the people of Aolara. If a pack of this species is spotted, they are tracked down and eradicated as soon as possible for the safety of local townspeople and for the value of their pelts.    


Dire wolves grow to be about 9 feet long and weigh up to 900 pounds (360kg). They have thick winter fur that can vary in colour from mottled grey, to brown, black, and even white. Dire wolves have oversized paws fitted with deadly claws the size of butcher's knives. Their powerful jaws are filled with a set of sturdy teeth made for tearing flesh and crushing bone. Dire wolves' eyes glow green when illuminated by magical light; an indicator of their fey blood.    


Dire wolves are far more aggressive than their lupine cousins, attacking and killing anything they are able to catch. They are usually found in packs of five to eight, and give birth to litters of no more than three. Dire wolves are efficient pack hunters, surrounding and flanking their prey to gain an advantage. When their jaws clamp down, its near impossible to release them as they drag you to the ground.

Dire wolves are occasionally kept by hill giants as pets; and some northern goliath tribes breed and ride dire wolves as mounts.

Dire Wolf

Type - Beast   Size - Large   Alignment - True Neutral   Language(s) - N/A   Preferred Terrain - Forests, Mountains   Abilities - N/A
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