Dragon Rose (kruh-ma-ti-kum)


Chromaticum, also known as dragon rose, are rose-like flowers that bloom all over Aolara. They have strange colourless stems and leaves, with a vibrant head of folded petals that can blossom anywhere along the chromatic spectrum. Some believe that a flowering dragon rose blossoms so fiercely, that all colour from the stem and leaves is siphoned into the petals. Although almost identical in appearance, dragon roses are not part of the Rosaceae family.

Dragon roses are extremely rare and are not part of the natural ecosystem of the planet. Researchers have deemed this flower to be magical and, in some cases, harmful to its surroundings. Dragon roses only grow atop the resting place of a Chromatic dragon. Whether it be long after the body has disappeared, or amidst the skeletal remains of one fallen months prior, dragon roses will always bloom when a chromatic dragon dies. Some believe this phenomenon is tied to the magical essence of the draconic species, and others believe it to be some sort of chemical reaction that occurs when the dragon's body breaks down. Regardless, scientists are still baffled by this flower. To make matters even more outrageous, the colour and properties of a dragon rose correspond with the colour of the dragon they bloomed from. The current known variations of dragon rose are: red, blue, black, green and white.

As dragons are known to live indefinitely, the only time these roses grow is when a chromatic dragon has been killed. The chances of this are astronomically low and as such, the dragon rose is quite the treasure to behold. They are sold amongst herbalists, alchemists and collectors as extremely valuable ingredients and prized possessions. These flowers have powerful intrinsic properties sought by many.  

Dragon Rose Types

As mentioned above, dragon roses have a somewhat magical nature. When prepared carefully and with the correct tools and ingredients, these flowers provide the consumer with a resistance to whatever element that dragon rose had an affinity with. Below are a list of the five types of dragon rose and the properties they contain:  

Red Dragon Rose

The largest and most aggressive of the lot. This dragon rose only grows from the remains of red dragons. Argued by many to be the deadliest of all the chromatic drakes, these immense creatures are notorious for their fire breath and torrefying heat. The red dragon rose also produces a significant amount of heat, and is known to scorch the land surrounding the dragon's resting place. When prepared correctly, this dragon rose provides the consumer with fire resistance for a day.  

Blue Dragon Rose

Blue dragon roses bloom atop the graves of blue dragons. These dragons have a deadly lightning breath and make their homes up in the mountains of Aolara. Nearly all blue dragon rose locations have been at high altitudes far from civilisation. These dragon roses are known for passing a continuous electrical current between one another, creating quite the challenge when attempting to harvest them. Some claim to have witnessed an abundance of this rose type create lightning storms that last for hours. Blue dragon roses give the consumer lightning resistance for a day.  

Black Dragon Rose

This dragon rose type blossoms from the resting place of black dragons. Devilish in appearance and just as deadly as the others, black dragons have an affinity with acid. They construct their homes deep in swamps or caustic fields, making the retrieval of black dragon roses somewhat difficult. This dragon rose secretes an acidic saliva that can eat through various materials with ease. Often when these flowers bloom, they gradually dissolve the black dragon's skeleton beneath them. When distilled and processed, black dragon roses provide acid resistance for a day.

WARNING: Incorrect preparation and consumption of this dragon rose will cause your organs to liquify.  

Green Dragon Rose

Green dragon roses grow from the remains of green dragons all across Aolara. This dragon and flower type can be found in temperate and humid climates such as forests, wetlands and jungles. Green dragons breathe a cloud of poisonous gas at their prey; causing blindness, blistering, and organ failure to any unlucky enough to inhale it. Green dragon roses hold a similar effect, slowly producing a thick cloud of noxious fumes above the dragon gravesite. These flowers must be gathered with the upmost care and preserved immediately with an antigen to dampen their effects. After countless years of trial and error, herbalists have finally found ways to use the green dragon rose safely. It can provide a consumer with poison resistance for one day.  

White Dragon Rose

This dragon rose variant is possibly the hardest to come by on Aolara. The white dragon rose grows wherever a white dragon's deathbed is. These animalistic dragons are eager to hunt and kill whoever cross their path, impaling their victim's bodies with a shattering ice breath. Their territories can be found in the far northern reaches of Bricor and Kasar, and the southern islands of Murath. They survive and thrive in frigid conditions too inhospitable for most creatures, so when one dies it can prove quite the expedition to recover the blossoming white dragon roses. This rose type must not be handled without gloves or some other form of hand covering. One touch is enough to freeze the blood flow and cause irreversible frostbite. When carefully prepared, consumers of the white dragon rose are given cold resistance for a day.

Dragon Rose

Names - Chromaticum, Dragon Rose   Type - Flower   Size - Small   Preferred Terrain - N/A   Preferred Climate - N/A   Effects - Elemental Resistance
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                                                    -Red Dragon Rose


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