Dreamer's Starfruit (som-ni-um ya-v)

Somnium Ya've

Dreamer's starfruit are a special delicacy. They are not only famous for their succulent, sweet taste, but also their aethestically pleasing shape and colour. Starfruits, as the name implies, have a warm, sun-coloured exterior made up of about a dozen triangular points. When ripe, the interior is a sight to behold. Within a starfruit is its edible flesh; thousands of tiny arils that shimmer and sparkle in an entire spectrum of colours, reminiscent of a swirling galaxy. On Aolara, the dreamer's starfruit will only grow naturally around purified springs in the jungles of Chankata and the rainforests of Lanali. It has proven extremely challengeing to grow starfruit seeds outside of these natural habitats. As such, this fruit is exceedingly rare and expensive. Many wealthy royals and arisocrats around the world pay large sums to provide their guests with dreamer's starfruit at their galas and other events.

Renowned botanists from the prestigeous Lendin College were lucky enough to experiment with the dreamer's starfruit over the recent decades. Their findings left them perplexed and called for assistance from a local arcanists guild. Together they learned that the dreamer's starfruit did not contain the same molecular signatures found in all other fruit on the planet, and therefore did not originate on Aolara. It is theorised that this fruit somehow made its way to our planet from across the planes or somewhere else enitrely, and integrated itself within local ecosystems.

Whilst studying this peculiar fruit, scientists also found it capable of transporting its consumer to The Astral Sea. With the help of skilled arcanists it was found that if the starfruit was left to slightly over-ripen and a spell under the conjuration school of magic was performed with the fruit as its target, then the consumer of said starfruit would be temporarily transported to The Astral Sea. The distance, location, and time wildly varied with each attempt.

The name was only updated to Dreamer's Starfruit after its abilities were discovered. Many still refer to this fruit as either just Starfruit or Doderin's Star, after Prince Doderin and he obession with them.

Dreamer's Starfruit

Names - Dreamer's Starfruit, Somnium Ya've, Doderin's Star   Type - Fruit   Size - Small   Preferred Terrain - Jungles, Rainforests, Star-Kissed Forests   Preferred Climate - Tropical, Astral Void   Effects - Astral Projection
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