Fire Elemental Species in Aolara | World Anvil

Fire Elemental (fyre el-eh-men-tall)

Fire elementals are the very essence of fire brought to life. The level of their sentience is still a mystery to those who study them, but it is clear, however intelligent, these beings of pure flame rule The Elemental Plane of Fire with their sheer numbers. Fire elementals are one of the oldest and purest forms of energy to have ever existed. Long before the gods, long before Aolara.    


Fire elementals are amorphous creatures, able to change their shape and size at will. They are dexterous, agile, and move with the speed of a forest fire on a dry summer's day. Fire elementals burn with such an intense heat that anything they touch is set ablaze. Due to their fiery nature, they are susceptible to water and are unable to enter or pass through it. Researchers have learned that although they rarely speak, fire elementals understand Ignan, a language full of hisses and clicks, spoken by many of the denizens on The Elemental Plane of Fire.    

Heart of Fire

Fire elementals are indefatigable beings that do not require air to burn. They have no need for food, water, or sleep, and are fuelled directly by the fire plane that birthed them. Fire elementals will fiercely attack anyone who threatens them or their habitat. They have a special distaste for creatures non-native to The Elemental Plane of Fire visiting their dimension.

Sometimes a fire elemental will appear on the material plane of Aolara when the dimensional barriers are thin and restless. They must be swiftly dealt with, or they will begin to scorch and sunder everything in their wake. Burning forests to cinders and towns to ash.

Fire Elemental

Type - Elemental   Size - N/A   Alignment - Chaotic Neutral   Language(s) - Ignan   Preferred TerrainThe Elemental Plane of Fire    Abilities - Blazing Presence
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