Ice Elemental Species in Aolara | World Anvil

Ice Elemental (ies el-eh-men-tall)

Ice elementals are the frozen sentinels of The Elemental Plane of Ice. They act as troops for those wielding extra-planar power, and patrol the borders of many frozen kingdoms that reside within their dimension. In the polar regions of Bricor and the southernmost parts of Murath there are places so miserably cold that the dimensional barriers fracture like ice. In these locations, The Elemental Plane of Ice trickles gently into Aolara, feeding the frozen tundra, and on occasion, allowing ice elementals safe passage.

Regardless of these ice plane doorways, it is still extremely rare to find an ice elemental that has not been summoned by a spellcaster. There are only a few recorded occasions, where they have either been found aimlessly wandering across the remote snow dunes of northern Bricor, or in stasis at the centre of large glaciers. Sometimes these glaciers break off and melt in the ocean, waking the ice elemental within and endangering unsuspecting sailors.    


Ice elementals are made of jagged ice and snow packed into a reflective crystalline form. Much like other elementals, they do not tire, and have no need to eat or drink. Although their appearance can vary, in most cases they look vaguely humanoid with two limbs and a head. They range in size from minuscule frostlings to gargantuan animated glaciers made of hundreds of shifting chunks of ice.    

Frozen Foes

Like many other elementals, ice elementals have an innate dislike for those non-native to The Elemental Plane of Ice visiting their home. Though not inherently malevolent, they have been known to enjoy enclosing warm-blooded foes in ice and watching as the creatures freeze. There are locations within the ice plane that are decorated with the sculptures of unfortunate travellers.

Along with their obvious dislike for heat and fire, ice elementals, surprisingly, do not get along with Water Elementals. According to those who study The Elemental ChaosWater Elementals view themselves as creatures formed of a “pure” element and look down upon ice elementals, which they see as lesser due to their reliance on cold temperatures. Ice elementals, in turn, believe the Water Elemental’s susceptibility to cold gives the ice elemental superiority in physical combat. When the two elemental creatures meet, they posture and taunt each other in Aquan before attacking.

Ice Elemental

Type - Elemental   Size - N/A   Alignment - True Neutral   Language(s) - Aquan   Preferred Terrain - The Elemental Plane of Ice   Abilities - Ice Breath, Ice Glide
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