Idelia Leaf (i-de-lia leef)

Shaman's Auric

The idelia leaf is a rare plant that grows from the idelia tree. They are only known to grow along the dunes of The Scarab Sea; a great desert on the eastern side of Sansura in Kasar. The trees themselves stand no taller than 8ft and have a rough bark exterior with a silver colouration that reflects the sunlight like metal. The leaves that sprout from its branches are reddish brown with hints of gold along the seams. They share a perpetual resemblance to the leaves of various other trees across Aolara as they decay in the autumnal season. The idelia tree almost looks sickly in nature, sprouting no more than fifty leaves in a yearly cycle.

All attempts to grow idelia trees outside of The Scarab Sea have failed. For that reason, the locals take great pride in cultivating, and then selling idelia leaves in towns across Sansura. They are rare and valuable not only for their endemic relationship with The Scarab Sea, but also for their unique ability to act as a catalyst and amplifier for the effects of other flora across Aolara. When crushed and ground alongside another plant with inherent potential, not only does it increase the potency of said potential, but also guarantees the success of preparation. The locals smoke idelia leaves along with tobacco and various other herbs for enhanced enjoyment and relaxation.

No one really knows why the idelia trees only grow in the harsh and dry environments of The Scarab Sea. They seem to sprout and survive with little to no water, and any leaves picked from their branches do not wither or decay over time. Some storehouses have kept a collection of unchanged idelia leaves for more than four decades. Researches who have spent years observing idelia trees theorise it to somehow be connected to Astalaan; the immense ruins of a forgotten civilisation that exists buried deep beneath the sands of The Scarab Sea.

Idelia Leaf

Names - Idelia Leaf, Shaman's Auric   Type - Leaf   Size - Small   Preferred Terrain - Desert, Oasis   Preferred Climate - Dry   Effects - Amplifier
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