
A Pyromancy sorcerer's magic comes from ties to the Plane of Fire, Flame Elementals, The Nine Hells, or other blazing infernos of fire magic. Your magic is powerful, able to drown your foes in seas of astonishing crimson, and raze entire towns in a roaring inferno. However it's also very dangerous. Fire is a wild and emotional element, representing courage, bravery, but also hunger. You must be careful in your application of this power, lest everything you hold dear go up in flames.    

Pyromancy Spells

At 1st level you learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Pyromancy Spells table below. Each of these spells counts as a sorcerer spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of sorcerer spells you know. These spells can’t be replaced when you gain a level in this class.

Sorcerer Level Spell
1st burning hands
3rd continual flame
5th fireball
7th wall of fire
9th immolation

Amidst the Fire

Starting at first level, you have resistance to fire damage. Additionally, you have advantage on saving throws against fire and fire related effects.    


Additionally at 1st level, you develop a knack for getting fires going. When you deal fire damage to a creature or structure, you can maintain concentration on the flames you create to keep them going (as if you were casting a concentration spell). When you do so, they can't be extinguished by regular means and are considered magical. At the start of a burning creature's turn it takes damage equal to your Charisma modifier. The flames can be patted out using an action.   Also, you learn the produce flame and control flame cantrips if you didn't already know them. They count as Sorcerer cantrips for you but don't count against your cantrips known.    


At 6th level, you learn to create magical flames under your control. Using your bonus action and at least 1 sorcery point, you can cause flames to appear in an area you can see within 60 feet. The flames are 5 feet tall, and consist of a number of 5-foot cubes equal to the sorcery points spent, which you can arrange as you wish. Each cube must have at least one face adjacent to the face of another cube. You can choose the shape the flames take upon creation, whether they extend upwards or block a large doorway.

Any creature in the fire's space when you create them must make a dexterity saving throw or take fire damage equal to half your Sorcerer level. A creature must also make a saving throw when it moves into the fire's space for the first time on their turn or ends its turn there.   Once created, the flames burn for one minute before flickering out. Flammable materials touched by your flames may catch fire, burning on their own even after your flames disappear.    

Blast off

Beginning at 14th level, using your bonus action you can propel yourself up to 15 feet in a direction of your choosing. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.   Alternatively, you can make a melee spell attack on a creature within 5 feet as an action. If the attack connects, the target takes fire damage equal to your Sorcerer level and you move as per a normal use of this feature.   You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier. Expended uses are recovered upon completing a short or long rest.    

Flame Archon

Beginning at 18th level, you gain immunity to fire damage.

You have also learned to don a mantle of flame, shrouding yourself in blazing crimson to decimate your foes. Using an action and 6 sorcery points, you can transform into the form of a Flame Archon. When you do, you have a flying speed of 40 feet, and resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons.

Additionally, when you use your Pyromania feature in your Flame Archon form, it no longer costs sorcery points. However you can only have a maximum of 30 cubes at any given time.

You remain in this form for 1 minute. It ends early if you are incapacitated, if you die, or if you dismiss it as a bonus action. Any magical flames that you've created using your Pyromania feature dissipate, though the flames they created through contact with combustible material may still burn. You must complete a long rest to use this form again.
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