Rest Petals (pro-more-ta li-rig-us)

Promorta Lirigus

Promorta, known more commonly as Rest Petals, are a type of seedless flower indigenous to the warm climates of Kasar. This orange and red petaled flower grows all over the continent, but favours the lush grasslands of Laelosia. As the seasons change to autumn in the middle of Finrai, the promorta come to the end of their life cycles. Just before their bodies wither, they expel hundreds of tiny spores that get carried away by autumn winds and spread across the region. A good number of those spores will settle and grow to be the next generation of promorta that'll bloom in the following spring next Uthwix.

Many enjoy promorta for their subtle beauty and warm, summery colours. But they are also extremely popular amongst the medicinal doctors and herbalists of the region. The petals of this common Kasaren flower contain unique enzymes that, when prepared and consumed correctly, are able to sooth and calm ones mind for relaxation and rest. Those who struggle with insomnia have found success with remedies involving rest petals; and in some cases they have even been known to help induce labour.

Promorta Lirigus

Names - Promorta, Rest Petals, Sleeper's Song   Type - Flower   Size - Small   Preferred Terrain - Grassland, Forest, Marshland   Preferred Climate - Temperate, Continental   Effects - Relaxation
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