Rift Swine (rift swyn)

On occasion, the barriers that separate various planes of the multiverse weaken, allowing the passing of both physical and spiritual material from one to the other. Most multiversal planes have their delights to experience and their dangers to avoid. But there are some that should never be explored. One such place is known as The Far Realm. When the planar barriers between the Material and The Far Realm weaken, strange, alien energies are released in the world. Living creatures exposed to this incursion can undergo nightmarish mutations, shifting into monstrous mockeries of their former shapes. One example of this phenomenon is the rift swine: once ordinary pigs and boar, transformed into alien horrors, bathed in The Far Realm's eldritch light.    


Once corrupted by The Far Realm, a rift swine grows in size and stature. The bristles of its fur become razor sharp; and oversized, splintered tusks protrude from their face. Its body becomes a lopsided mass of tumorous muscle and flesh, covered in weeping eyes and gnashing vestigial mouths. Half a dozen worm-like tentacles trail from its sides, ready to coil around its next victim.    

Destructive Herds

When more than one rift swine is created, the effect on an area can be catastrophic. They consume nearly everything, possess an unrelenting drive, and delight in the destruction they cause. Rift swine are unable to perceive anything smaller than itself as a threat, leading it to attack most other creatures on sight and fight until they're destroyed. There are legends that speak of vast herds of hundreds of rift swine, cultivated by powerful entities on strongly chaos-aligned planes.    

Mutable Forms

Rift swine have an unstable biology that allows them to take on different properties and develop dangerous mutations. These mutations can be anything from acidic boils to having a tentacular tongue. Some mad scientists use rift swine as guinea pigs for their experiments. It never ends well.

Rift Swine

Type - Aberration   Size - Medium   Alignment - Chaotic Neutral   Language(s) - N/A   Preferred Terrain - N/A   Abilities - Unstable Mutation
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