Twin-Twist Mushroom (maji-kye fun-gus)

Magikai Fungus

Not many people know about the existance of magikai fungus, and even less people call them that. To most who have been lucky enough to find or study one, this strange double-shroom is usually called a twin-twist mushroom. Twin-twists are an anomaly. They can be found almost anywhere, but do seem to flourish in temperate or tropical climates. Twin-twist mushrooms only ever grow one at a time. They are a peculiar fungi, always sprouting two heads. The bright blue stems of this mushroom twist around one another as they grow. The caps are a deep red, spotted with shiny blue boils, and are comically stretched upwards. Some say that they resemble the hats worn by fey gnomes in children's fairytales.

There is story shared amongst druid circles of Aolara. That this special mushroom is a gift from the goddess Miarie to the druids who maintain and cultivate the natural world around them. For many druids, finding this mushroom is a joyous occasion and cause for celebration. For Miarie has bore witness to their deeds and deemed them exemplary. Botanists and herbalists on the other hand believe that twin-twist mushrooms originate at the source of magical power. It is theorised that when someone or something casts strong enough magic, there are traces of arcane energy left over. These traces settle and sink into the surrounding earth and occasionally germinate into a twin-twist mushroom.

The natural arcana that builds up within the caps of a twin-twist is surprising. If left alone, they can grow fairly large and will continue to swell with magic. Eventually this magic overwhelms it, and the mushroom explodes releasing arcane energy onto the surrounding environment. This sudden release of magic causes strange mutations in the surrounding flora and fauna. Researchers have discovered that if a twin-twist mushroom is harvested at the right time, compressed down, and boiled at the correct temperature, it allows the consumer to perform two feats of magic, even if they themselves have never before practiced the arcane arts. Unfortunately the wild nature of this mushroom prevents the consumer from controlling what magic they create. Therefore, the twin-twist mushroom is a unique form of sorcerous wild magic.

Twin-Twist Mushroom

Names - Twin-Twist Mushroom, Magikai Fungus   Type - Fungus   Size - Small   Preferred Terrain - N/A   Preferred Climate - Temperate, Tropical   Effects - Wild Magic Surge
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