Verupan Species in Aolara | World Anvil

Verupan (ve-rew-pan)

Hidden away, deep in the wild valleys of Chankata are the verupan. An old and wise race of ursine recognised by the other jungle denizens as formidable warriors, expert sages of the natural world, and guardians of Peyawa, the mother-root.  
"When encountering a wandering verupan, one should pray that their spirits are high and their belly is full. For by the swinging paw of an irritated pandafolk shall you meet your demise." - Sarlus Pierce


True Panda is the common translation for verupan, however those who know of their existence usually refer to them as the pandafolk of Chankata. Verupan are best described as upright pandas. They stand well over 7 feet tall with broad-shouldered builds full of hidden muscle and power. When standing up straight, an adult verupan will tower over many of the other races of Aolara. Their bodies are covered in black and white fur, thicker around the arms, shoulders, and neck. Verupan are naturally heavyset, with rounder bellies and stockier legs, however some do dedicate themselves to rigorous training and exercise in an attempt to alter this. The fur around a verupan's face grows longer, reminiscent of a human's beard. Most verupan take pride in styling this fur differently. Some decorate themselves with pieces of cloth or jade beads, whilst others may choose to braid or plait it. The design of a verupan's facial fur is a form of emotional expression, and an important part of their cultural identity.

Although verupan may look furry and round, one should never underestimate them. For they are capable of moving at impressive speeds, and when threatened, will display immense feats of strength rivalled only by a few other races. A verupan's eyes can be many shades of green, blue, brown, and yellow. In the heat of battle it is common for their eyes to turn a deep, furious red, famous for intimidating foes into an early retreat. It is rumoured that the sages who maintain Peyawa, the mother-root, have pupiless glowing green eyes.    

The Mother-Root

There is an old verupan legend passed down through each generation since the very first learned to stand upon two feet. It is said that long ago before the noise of humanity, when the dragons still filled the skies, there was a jungle like no other. A sprawling wilderness so dense and populated with life, that even with a thousand years it would be impossible to explore its entirety.

In this wild region of the world there existed two special trees, separated by miles upon miles of forest, yet identical and two of a kind. Sibling trees, a brother and sister, stronger and taller than any around them. Their age a mystery, their reason for existence unknown. For thousands of years the two siblings live harmoniously, extending their reach and roots to one another, and providing the land with their nourishment. Until the day when the brother was taken, torn away from his sister and her roots. Lost to her forever. For fear that she too was in danger, the sister desired protectors. Those willing to stand beside her mighty bows and guard her; and as she wished, she willed it to be so. For in a nearby valley of bamboo and magubee trees there lived a family of pandas. Peaceful creatures with no malicious intent, yet formidable when provoked. One by one the sister-tree gently kissed them whilst they slept, changing them forever. When the pandas woke, their animal instincts has bottled themselves up deep inside. Their minds were now brimming with new and exciting thoughts, ideas, desires, and intricate emotions. Their features turned expressive, and their paws became prehensile. As thanks for the gift of sentience, the pandas pledged their lives to the tree's protection, giving her the name Peyawa, the mother-root.

To this day, the verupan of Chankata continue to honour their promise. They are the protectors of Peyawa, and the mystics of the jungle. It is their belief that whilst the sacred tree lives, the jungle will thrive and survive, and their blessed gifts of intelligence, power, and longevity shall continue. This has yet to be confirmed as fact or fiction, for no outsider has ever got close, and lived long enough to study Peyawa.    

Jungle Guardians

Over the centuries there have been countless who have tried to take the verupan's lands from them. Many who had heard rumour and legend of a great tree with powers capable of extending one's life, curing illness and disease, reviving long lost lovers, and even granting wishes. As a result, the kind and mild-mannered verupan have a blood-stained history. Forced to fight and defend their home has transformed them into masters of combat and strategy. Their unwavering faith and dedication has managed to keep Pewaya, and its region, safe and out of the hands of those with poisonous intent. But at the cost of many verupan lives over many generations. As the centuries have passed by, their numbers have gradually dwindled, and for many verupan in the present, the old traditions have lost their potency. More and more verupan leave Peyawa with each new generation, travelling south into the human territories of Chankata and beyond.

The verupan who do decide to leave their home and travel can make great adventuring companions. Their natural burliness and strength make for powerful fighters. Their connection to the natural world and Peyawa's touch make them ideal druids, and their innate wisdom and patient demeanour can be perfect for a cleric. For those who leave the homeland, it is possible that they shall never return, as many of the devout verupan who remain beside Peyawa, regard them as deserters who have forsaken the mother-root.    

Verupan Traits

Ability Score Increase
When determining your character’s ability scores, increase one score by 2, or increase two different scores by 1. You cannot increase an ability score above 20.  
Verupans reach maturity by age 18. Due to the mysterious energies that reside deep in the jungles of their homeland, Verupans are blessed with natural longevity, and can live well into their second century.  
This mighty ursine race stands between 7 and 8 feet tall, and can weigh anywhere between 200 to 400 pounds. Your size is Medium.  
Your base walking speed is 30 feet. You have a climbing speed of 20 feet.  
Keen Senses
Your keen eyesight and smell grants your proficiency in Perception checks.  
You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern colour in darkness, only shades of grey.  
Peyawa's Blessing
Your Wisdom score increases by 1.  
Bear Claws
You possess a set of dangerously sharp claws. If you hit a creature with them, you can deal slashing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.  
Fury of the Forebears
Beneath your kindness and composure resides an animalistic rage bottled, and begging to be released. When you fall below half your hit points something rooted deep within you breaks free. Your eye colour turns a deep red, and the fur along your limbs starts to move uncontrollably.
For the next minute your Verupan body is enhanced:

  • You become resistant to psychic, and non-magical bludgeoning damage.

  • You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened and charmed.

  • You gain a temporary +2 to your highest ability score's modifier.

  • Your Bear Claws elongate, dealing 2d6 slashing damage instead of 1d6.

You have no control over the Fury of the Forebears. It will automatically activate the first time you are brought below half your hit points, and will wear off after 1 minute, or if you are reduced to 0 hit points and fall unconscious/die. Your body is not able to use this ability again until the completion of a long rest.  
Deep Sleeper
The energy a Verupan consumes each day is staggering. To counter this, the body demands larger portions of food and longer periods of rest. You must eat double the amount of food an average person would consume in a day.
Additionally, once every four days you must long rest for a minimum of 12 hours. If you fail to rest for 12 hours when required, you will gain a point of exhaustion. You will accrue additional points of exhaustion for each day after that you fail to complete a 12 hour rest.  
You can speak, read, and write Common and Verupan. If your Intelligence score is 16 or above, you can speak, read, and write one other language of your choice.


Type - Humanoid   Size - Medium   Alignment - N/A   Preferred Terrain - Mountains, Jungles   Abilities - Bear Claws, Ancestral Fury
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