
Ol' Stoney

Aevkirk means “Aev Church,” a name that refers to the Aev Stones. Sometimes this town is called Old Stony, and its population is 9,000. It was founded in 801, gained its charter of community in 1203 and its crest is a broken chain on billet per pale argent and azure on a field per pale azure and argent.

This Town is a river port on the Arle River, in the rugged uplands of Noelred, surrounded by woods and moor. Aevkirk’s political location is in Rucke Barony, Mharkor Duchy, the Kingdom of Noelred, in the High Kingdom of Ayrlium.

This is an unplanned settlement centered on its church, the oldest of its kind in Noelred and dedicated to the town’s patron saint, Morwin the Silent. The town is defended by timber walls, and outside that with two rows of deep defensive ditches lined with sharpened stakes.

Aevkirk is connected to Laywich in the northwest by a secondary road, to Arlford Town to the far south by the Arl River, and to Laywich in the northeast by the Arle River.
The citizens of Aevkirk are characterized by no-nonsense practicality; they are quiet, polite, and capable of great discernment. A noteworthy tradition here is, when citizens go courting, they practice bundling where unmarried youngsters share a bed divided only by bunched up blankets. Local industry involves breeding Noelredi ponies, peat cutting, and collecting bog iron.

There is a series of cromlechs, called the Aev Stones, within the city green. Originally intended for demolishment, cromlech warriors manifested and prevented this monument’s destruction. Now, with proper supplication, these undead will help defend the city. These undead are a form of barrow wight.

Aevkirk is at continual odds with bandits, especially the Brotherhood of Ghosts, and the townspeople promptly will hang any bandit they catch. In the moors, a legendary ghost beruk is said to take spectral hounds hunting during new moons.

This settlement’s most famous historical citizen is Madawg Edgert, the inventer of the paddle-wheel boat in 1021.


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