World Codex


Noelred's World View

- Ours land reaches back into myth, and it is a hallowed place just one step removed from the mighty deeds of the great heroes, gods and monsters of yore.
  • Noelred is the once and future realm of King Kelthan, the Uniter of Aorlis; his dragon queen, Aragent; and his wizard Kendroth.
  • Never has there been a mightier wizard than Kendroth, nor will there be again. Now magic is a pale reflection of those storied times.
  • Even now the blood of dragons pulses through the veins of the Kolthens, the dynasty descended from the King Kolthen of old.
  • Noelred is the source-point for Kelthan’s twelve knights, the awe-inspiring paladins who established all the Aorlisian kingdoms of antiquity. One only has to look to greater Aorlis itself to see the glory that is Noelred.
  • Noelred is still a land of lance and horse. Those horses are the Noelredi Colossi, towering gray beasts that render any knight invincible. The Colossi are not bloodthirsty monsters, though, but clever, gentle, and loyal horses away from the battlefield.
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