Allyn Dynasty

Allyn and Electors

Allyn developed differently than its surrounding countries, for its king is elected. Each county in Allyn has its own earl, also called electors. The king of Allyn is chosen from among these electors, and he serves for life. His power is limited to his own county, but he serves as the spokeman for the greater country of Allyn. He does not have legal or taxation powers in the other counties. When he dies, his heir inherits his individual county, but the kingship must once again be settled by voting. Consequently, Allyn never developed a long-term dynastic ruling family. The noble houses, their titles and holdings, are as follows:

Noble House

  • Borelle–Current Elected King of Allyn, and Elector Earl of Norald
  • Cellanto–Elector Earl of Daarthru
  • Ecburto–Elector Earl of Solgrave
  • Edwin–Elector Earl of Aldforth
  • Eralda–Elector Earl of Borly
  • Ismond–Elector Earl of Sothal
  • Jochen–Elector Earl of Mollud
  • Montrolla–Elector Earl of Merly
  • Reymondo–Elector Earl of Khel
  • Thoralba–Elector Earl of Fendarm
  • Torrello–Elector Earl of Dracolaird


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