Allyn Military

Military Might

They have the standard military hierarchy with an earl marshal for the country; a marshal for each army; a captain for each unit; and assorted lieutenants for internal divisions. This mountain country possesses a standard military training regime.


Aldic soldiers are famous pikemen, with admirable training in formation tactics combined with their native mountaineering background. Pikemen are interspersed with swordsmen, and surround a core of crossbowmen. A unit arranged in this way offers missile power, a forest of pikes, and swordsmen to cut down anyone who maneuvers past the pikes and gets too close. Aldic armies are justly famed and feared.  

National Character

Their discipline is rated rock solid, and they are infamous for neither taking nor ransoming prisoners, nor requesting or granting mercy. The entire army comprises reserves, and universal military conscription is the norm for men 14-60 years old.  

Arms & Armor

Allyn is associated with the ubiquitous Aldkniff, an 18” long sheep’s foot saex that all men (and many women) carry. Her troops also wield pikes and crossbows. The better armed soldiers wear quilted gambesons, and some also have light maille byrnies. They do not use shields, and their helmets are simple steel caps with nasals.  


Allyn can field an army of 15,000 to 20,000 troops and its infantry is 25% light pike, and 25% light ahlspeice or gondadg; its minimal cavalry is 5% heavy, and 10% light; and 20% are crossbowmen, and 15% slingers. In addition, Allyn brings along +5% pioneers, +5% siege engineers, +5% scouts, but their siege capabilities are limited. Allyn has no war wagons, navy, or foreign mercenaries on call.

Aldic Mountain Pony

Aldic mountain pony stands 10-12 hands high, has a shaggy, thick mane and beard. They have coarse features, but gentle faces that match their easygoing temperaments. These ponies have short necks, long backs, and deep girths. They are tough, strong, and agile, hardworking, and well suited to their mountain environment. Indeed, they are cold-adapted, but that makes them heat sensitive, and they require little food. These mounts do not require horse shoes, and despite their goat-like agility they have a rough gate.  

Allyn Soldier.png



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