Allyn Places of Interest

Cynning Vale

When the apostate Loethgarr turned his back on the Divine Mandate and embraced the Old Ways, this is where they dug his tomb, and haunts the Vale still. Cynburr Vale stretches from Rysson to Eofwin, cutting its way through the East Aendril Mountains. This winding valley is about twenty miles long from gate to gate and up to a mile wide. On the Rysson side, it is accessible by a narrow defile that ends at the valley’s gate. It takes the form of two monolithic, bearded and crowned statues, carved out the mountain, each about 30’ tall. Their arms form the gate’s arch, and where their hands meet, they hold the hilt of a huge, iron down-turned sword. The pitted sword is four yards long, and it is a crude representation of Frostflower. These are the sentinels, two semi-sentient judges that decide if you may pass beneath the suspended sword or not. These statues seem alive, and their glare is felt as a physical pressure. Within the vale it is always high summer and verdantly green. The Vale is filled with old-growth trees, especially elm, ash, yew and oak. Near a still lake there grows the tallest oak tree in existence, its canopy wide enough to shelter an entire town. The tree’s spirit is powerful. The gate that exits the vale into the Eofwin lacks stone sentinels but boasts a no less impressive oak arch. These oaks’ canopies have been woven together as if they were a giant’s hedgerow.  

Dolmans of Borl

In Borly, Allyn, where the slope of the East Aendril’s wind down toward the Eofwin Forest, is an Iron Age hill fort. Within the fort there is an impressive series of dolmans that was probably erected at a later date than the fort. The dolmens’ purpose is unknown, but each is carved with the visages of bearded men.  

Fastness, The

Magron’s keep is called the Fastness, and it is the Ashen Twilight’s motherhouse. This bitterly frigid keep, looming in the clouds, overlooks Skygate City. This is in Norald, Allyn, and every year Allyn pays the Ashen Twilight punishing protection money and upkeep funds. This frigid castle is always bitterly cold, and it is virtually unasailable, behing high up the mountain slopes, above the tree line where nothing grows.


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