
Gulch, Gulch Town

Often called the Gulch, or Gulch Town, this settlement lies in the County of South Eofwin, the Palatine Archduchy of Eofwin, in the High Kingdom of Arlium. As its nickname suggests, it stands in a gulch, and the Andi Stream runs through it. The town is a mix, with tall, rather outlandish houses and narrow streets, giving the whole place a surreal, fairy-tale appearance. Andwycc is not walled, and its outer boundaries overlap with and fade into the forest. Secondary roads connect Andwycc to Moranwynn City to the distant north by northeast; Imraldun City to the northeast; Nillston in Eofwin to the south by secondary roads and a river ferry; Norald City to the northwest; and Bellton Town to the south by southeast.
The citizens have a quirky, old world sensibility and an amiable facade, but they also have a secretive side. They are unwelcoming to those who they perceive as poking into their privacy or beliefs. Buyers know Andwycc for furniture production, both greenwood, and joinery, making fine arks, benches, tables, etc. There are many talented wood carvers here, and arrow and bow production, and a wide range of leather hawking supplies are manufactured here. Andwycc’s crest is a Doe on a field, or, with chief, Sable. The largest abbey in town is St. Morloss’, first built in the 800’s, and it has been rebuilt twice since then.


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