World Codex

Eofwin's World View

- The forest sustains us. Our old-growth forests are our mother and father. Wealthy folk from all corners of Aorlis come here to hunt, build hunting lodges, and enclose their deer parks. The forest is forever, and more than expansive enough to feed all of us.
  • Carved into the screens and hidden recesses of churches, almost invisible among the soaring stones, is the Green Man. We are the Green Man. We observe. You may not notice us, but we are certainly watching you.
  • Hawking is a way of life for us, and the mews are our community. Our peerless gyrfalcons are the kings of raptors, and fit for emperors.
  • Archery is our national passion. Our marksmanship is unrivaled, and our standards are deemed impossible by other archers.
  • Our people remember the Faeries, and their blood still sings in our veins. We are no strangers to the Wild Dance, to Glamour, to secret ways and Faery Rings. Even now, Eofwin recognizes the Courts of Summer, Winter, Autumn and Spring.
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