
Old Quarry, Quarry Town

Sometimes called Old Quarry, or Quarry Town, Bellton is located where the peaks of the Upper Aendril Mountains give way to the foothills in the Palatine County of Mollud, the Kingdom of Allyn, in the High Kingdom of Myddum. This mountain town connects east by southeast to Verdton Town by a meandering secondary road; to the north by northeast to Andwycc Town by secondary road; and to the southwest to Widden Town. Bellton lies within the Royal North Forest district, so it is under the imperial forest law regime first, and its traditional feudal lords second. The town’s industry is devoted to mining and smelting, and excellent granite is quarried here as well. Bellton’s crest is ermine on an argent field, bordured three bendlets, or, on sable. The largest church in town is St. Gernion’s Kirk, built in the 800s. That church is noteworthy for containing the oldest working mechanical clock in Aorlis, built in the 11th century, about the size of a hay wagon. Legends hold that gnomide elementals inhabit many of the mines hereabout, and that is supported because a small but noteworthy minority of natives are human/gnomide hybrids.


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