Bhradrix FitzOliver

The Spider Knight, Long Arm, Slow Sword

Bhradrix FitzOlive is the hero who always outlasts or out-survives his enemies, and he is the focal point of many historical skeins. He was born in 1208, making him 27 years-of-age. When he was a squire in the court of Count Bhradon of Edby, his fellow squires called him The Spider, making fun of his long arms and reach. Later, this jibe morphed into the sobriquets Long Arm and Long Brace. After his brother disfigured him, Bhradrix adopted the name Scarface. In Thendaros, Galen bequeathed Bhradrix with the title of Spider Knight, and Noyon Quadon labeled Bhradrix as one of the Inevitable. Now, back in Aorlis, he is also called Slow Sword for his impossible fighting prowess. As of 1235, Bhradrix has been a knight, fellow in the Company of the Black Lances, a captain in the Thendaros Imperial Guard, and then the Strategos de Externs of Thendaros.   Bhradrix was born one of Oliver Osrick’s natural sons; Bhradrix believed he was the son of Baron Philipe of Dalryme and his wife, Elsbett, but discovered the truth as a young man. He returned to Aorlis, fabulously wealthy, and his best friend, Galan Trueheart has multiplied the knight’s wealth many times over. Prince Dathan won Bhradrix over with the prince’s inspired dream of a unified Aorlis. Technically, Bhradrix is Dathan’s natural first cousin and King Bingum II Osrick’s natural nephew. Bhradrix adopted the last name FitzOliver upon returning to Aorlis.   Bhradrix is a skilled battlefield surgeon, though not formally trained as such. He has an amazing gift for rapidly learning and retaining languages. With horses, Bhradrix is an accomplished groom, trainer and breeder. He is a master in all the knightly arts, except dancing and poetry. He can dance and recite, but he has limited skill in those fields.   Bhradrix is a world-class fighter, one of the very few warriors in the world labeled as an Inevitable. Essentially, this means that if Bhradrix is coming for you, you will die; preparation, armaments and skill count for nothing against him. In other words, he is inevitable. Mysteriously, he gained this level of expertise while locked alone in his brother’s dungeon for a year. He appears to fight in slow motion, and he practices absolute economy in battle while wasting no motion or energy. His calculated efforts make other champions look like cumbersome, wildly flailing brutes. Only another inevitable warrior poses him any genuine threat, but there are only a handful of such fighters on the planet.
Bhradrix’s past incarceration also had the effect of opening his eyes, and he is completely over concepts like chivalry, honor, glory, romance and fair play. He sees bullshit for what it is. Bhradrix’ best friend is Galan Trueheart. He is also close with Gunfrith the Ax, and her son Gunnar, who since has become Bhradrix’ squire. Bhradrix is good friends with his former squire (now a knight), Sir Harold Jarsson. In Gwyfned, Bhradrix is a member of the Conquering Quintet, meaning he works with Melena Kamith, Theobald Allbaugh, and the afore-mention Galen Trueheart.   Bhradrix is handsome, with long, dark blond hair; knowing gray eyes; and a sardonic crooked smile (some would say smirk). He is six feet tall, with a lean, athletic frame and long arms with fingertips that reach to knees. He formerly had an ugly scar on his face, put there by his enraged half-brother Philipe of Dalryme, but, since then, Empress Theodosiana of Thendaros erased it with her imperial healing magic.   As magical equipment goes, Bhradrix most important possession is Oliver Osrick’s Swan Seal, which was enchanted by Melena Kamith for the prince with luck, anti-magic, non-divisible corpus, sealed system, and rapid healing. Bhradrix’s heater shields aren’t magic, but they are emblazoned with a sable spider on an argent field. Bhradrix wears Gwyfnedi rune maille of proof, and its extra power is celerity. His sword is Equity (named after Osrick Iron-Arms famous weapon), a masterful Burlami rune longsword forged by Helowise of Burlam, and it boasts the powers of singing, fleetness, epic durability, epic sharpness, and resist rust/corrosion. Beyond this, Bhradrix’ wealth affords him the finest equipment and mounts.
Year Age Event
1208 0 Bhradrix is born the natural son of Elsbett Dalryme and Prince Oliver Osrick. Elsbett is married to Philipe I of Dalryme. Philipe and Elsbett already have an eight-year-old son Philipe the Younger (later Philipe II Dalryme, the Goat Knight, b. 1200.)
1210 5 His half-sister Dierdra is born to Elsbett Dalryme and Philipe Dalryme.
1212 5 His half-sister Amelia born to Elsbett Dalryme and Philipe Dalryme.
1215 6 Bhradrix becomes a page in the Gaurant VI Bryant, the Count of Edby’s House.
1219 10 Bhridrix unknowingly meets his natural father, Prince Oliver Osrick. Oliver is the Count’s guest, and Galen Norald (Age 20), the prince’s squire, is present as well.
1222 14 Bhradrix becomes a squire in the Count of Edby’s House.
1224 16 Bhradrix visits his mother Elsbett at home, and she informs Bhradrix of his true, secret parentage and bestows Oliver’s Seal to him.
1225 16 Bhradrix’ youngest sister Amelia Dalryme dies.
1226 18 Bhradrix is knighted after the Battle of Crossed Paths.
1226 18 Elsbett Dalryme and Philipe Dalryme die of scrofula (tuberculosis).
1227 19 Back home in Dalryme for his parents funeral, Bhradrix falls in lust with his half-brother Philipe’s concubine, Raphaella. The new baron, Philipe, discovers this double betrayal and punishes Bhradrix by slashing his face and throwing him in the dungeon. Philipe casts Raphaella out, unaware that she is pregnant with Bhradrix’ natural child, Arrette.
1228 20 Bhradrix, while imprisoned, trains for revenge even as his body fails.
1228 20 Dierdra Dalryme and her allies help Bhradrix escape Philipe’s dungeon.
1228 20 Bhradrix recuperates in Old Norward, cared for by the monks of St. Frippan.
1229 22 Bhradrix enlists in the Company of the Black Lance in Old Norward
1229 22 The Black Lances wiped out by the Kirth at the Battle of Dennais River.
1229 22 Bhradrix saves Galen Norald’s life. Later, Bhradrix and Galen save Theadosiana Orlockinas and Andreinokos Valenteniak from Kirth raiders.
1229 22 Bhradrix joins the Imperial Guard in Thendaros and befriends Gunfrith the Ax.
1230 23 Bhradrix takes Harold Jarson as his squire.
1230 23 Bhradrix meets Kirth Khaton Enkhtuya, Quadon, and Lecolas. The Kirth Katun Enkhtuya uses Bhradrix as to father her son, the future Emperor of the World.
1230 23 The Neuvo Karmithian Emperor Basilaeos Orlockinas appoints Bhradrix as the Strategos de Externs of Thendaros.
1230 23 Bhradrix and his army defeat the Kirth at the Battle of the Seed Gate. Bhradrix knights Harold Jarson after the battle.
1231 24 Bhradrix returns home to Aorlis. He takes Gunfrith the Ax’s son, Gunnar Oadgarson (b. 1220), as a squire.
by Scott A. Story


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