World Codex

Gwyfned's Worldview

  • Gwyfned is the center of Aorlis, and Aorlis is the center of the Known World. We are blessed to live in the unofficial capital of our world, Aarthus.
  • Sheltered as we are in our mountain home, Gwyfned’s people sit astride the crossroads of East and West Aorlis. This has made us rich, powerful, and influential. We possess the greatest city, the finest university, and the greatest minds in the Known World.
  • Being the premiere country in Aorlis comes with a responsibility—it is up to us to maintain the peace, to be the voice of empire, to hold the vision for Aorlis’ future.
  • Others have called us proud, and claimed we are too full of ourselves. We call it realistic. Let others be jealous, because we Gwyfnedi have a job to do.
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