Bingum II Osrick

The Lucky

Bingum II of House Osrick—Born in 1180, and coronated in 1197, Bingum is called the Lucky, or (behind his back) the Cuckold King. His primary title is king-emperor of Aorlis, 9th of his line, and King of Gwyfned. He is also lay-abbot of St. Blailock’s and royal patron of the Defender Knights, formally known as the Supremely Worthy and Most Eminent Chivalric Order of the Defenders of the Realm. Because now he only has one living son and no surviving brothers, he holds the following honors in abeyance: Baron of Gwyfned, Count of Gwyfned, Royal Duke of Urgholt, and Royal Count of Khellidor.   Bingum’s reign began with great promise, but now he’s a sad, old, dispirited man. In 1205, Bingum’s wife and the love of his life Isabelle died while giving birth to their third son, Dathan I Osrick. Their great love is celebrated in The Ballad of Bingum and Isabelle, which has since become a famous song. Bingum doesn’t love his surviving son Dathan, and blames him for Isabelle’s death. Bingum II, then 30, remarried, this time to Angoulene Mathurn, and they have two daughters.  
As a young man, Bingum excelled at hunting, riding, jousting, and many sports. Those days are long gone, and he relies on a palanquin for mobility. In the early years, Bingum relied heavily on the guidance of his younger brother, Oliver Osrick. Bingum never recovered from Oliver’s death.   The once dashing and handsome young Bingum, by 1235, is aged beyond his years. The king is morbidly obese, and he suffers from the “sweet sickness” (type II diabetes). In 1230, the royal physicians and surgeons were forced to amputate Bingum’s left foot, which had turned gangrenous. Bingum is 5’8”, and his weight is unknown. His eyes are blue, and his hair, once blond, now is gray, as is his short, spade beard and mustache. He does not look healthy, and he often has red spots on his cheeks.   After the Lords Ordainers relieved him of his official duties, Bingum’s income streams from his private holdings, monopolies and rents have kept him and his family comfortable.


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