Blackvale Dynasty Benedict

The Falcon Lord, the Prince of Raptors

This house is known for including ambitious, forward thinkers, and masters of chess. House Benedict’s lord traditionally is called the Falcon Lord, as well as the Prince of Raptors. Within the context of Marcelle, he is the First Warden of the Blackvale Forest, which jibes well with his role as the Sovereign Grand Duke of Blackvale, the count of Aarach, and the Baron of Woedrum.   The Benedicts make Garlionne their capital, and they also own townhouses in Helmdjarr, Taeglos, Ignarth, and Gwyfned; as well as two grand hunting estates in Blackvale. This noble house is famed for liberally licensing markets and fairs, as well as funding civic development, in Blackvale. These investments almost always pay hefty dividends for the local economy and the Benedicts themselves.   The Benedict badge is a falcon, their color vert, and their motto is “With Prudence and Caution.” They are the patrons of the Chivalric Order of The Golden Leaf, aka Golden Leaf Knights.   The Benedict’s parent house was Sturthmore, who were cadets of Gedwin. When the Benedicts adopt morganatic names, it is Hawk. They do not claim mythological ancestors, but they possess some oakmaid blood in their lineage. Their landed cadet houses include Oakburr, the Count of Westvale and Baron of Westvale; and Trindle, the counts of Lower Blackvale and barons of Duskwood. Their unlanded cadet houses include Hethel, Humbert, Odart, and Abelle.  


  • Circlet of Glory
  • Coronation Tree
  • Falconer Ring
  • Mirror of Souls—Confirmation pool
  • Owl Earring
  • Sword of Inspiration


  • Assorted custom spells:
  • Alarum
  • Comfortably camp in the forest canopy
  • Locate nearby caves
  • Unearth Secrets


  • Authority Figure
  • Bond—Nature (Forest)
  • Celerity
  • Forest Whisperer
  • Epic Celerity
  • One-Step-Ahead
  • Outside-the-Box Thinker
  • Piercing Gaze
  • Regal Presence
  • Roots—Faerie
  • Roots—Oak Maid
  • Roots—Pagan
  • Social Privilege


  • Arrogant
  • Hay Fever
  • Obsession—Chess
  • Sleep Paralysis
  • Trait—Loves Puzzles & Riddles

    Skill Pool

  • Climbing—Trees
  • Falconry
  • Forest Management
  • Gaming—Board (Chess)
  • Hunting


    • Benedict 998-1026 m. Pamela (oakmaid)
    • Geoffrey I 1026-1038
    • Walter I 1038-1073
    • James I 1073-1107
    • Henri I 1107-1029
    • Walther I 1029-1070 m. Cherise the Oakmaid
    • Lawrence I 1070-1073
    • Lawrence II 1073-1093
    • Baldwin I 1093-1112
    • Walter II 1112-1130
    • Norman I 1130-1162
    • James II 1162-1181
    • Henri II 1181-1203
    • Norman II 1203-1227
    • Lawrence III 1227-Present

    Immediate Family

  • Lawrence III Benedict, Sovereign Grand Duke of Blackvale, Count of Aarach, Baron of Woedrum
  • Consort—Samantha
  • Heir—Norman
  • Son—Glorise
  • Daughter—Gerhilde
  • Morganatic Consort—Cassandria
  • Daughter—Bethory
  • Official Mistress—Suzanne
  • Daughter—Suzanne FitzLawrence
  • Son—Emorel FitzLawrence
  • Princess-Mother—Brunvalde


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