
South Orlois, the Vale

Blackvale's Worldview

  • We are the trees, stoic, patient, and we only say those things that need to be said. We are vigilant, for the forest is our heart.
  • Our eyes are the owls, wise beyond words, forever observing, the guardians of ancient magic.
  • Our will is the hawk, the perfect predator, with fleet wings and keen vision that misses nothing.
  • We are the bow, resilient and deadly. We are the arrows that fight our battles and feed our families.
  • We remember the Others from the Bright World, and their blood still pumps in the veins of our oldest families. We bless each other in the fae’s names, and we honor the spirits of oak, and recall the wild dance of remembrance.
    Blackvale, also called South Orlois or the Vale, is a small country between Orlois to the north, and Thalium to the south. This is a heavily forested state, witch a good percentage of old growth forest. Its people are independent, taciturn, self-reliant, stoic, they practice good hygiene and grooming, and most favor blue and green clothing.
    They are well-known as longbowmen, forest rangers, and for hawking This area produces amber, lumber, hardwoods, birds of prey, and the much prized Blackvalian long bow. Their patron saint is Gifford Long Strider. Blackvale is pronounced Black-Vale, its adjective is Blackvalian and its demonym is Vale-Men.
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    Natural Resources

  • Alabaster
  • Amber
  • Birds Of Prey
  • Blackvale Mistletoe
  • Granite
  • Hardwoods
  • Rare Woods
  • Saltwater Fishing
  • Timber
  • Specialists Goods

  • Blackvale Bark Extract
  • Blackvalian Long Bow
  • Copiced Forestry Products
  • Greenwood/Joinery Furniture
  • Medicinal Plants (Urlton)
  • Naalbinding Garments (Donsfeld)
  • Precision Arrows & Arrowheads
  • Specialists

  • Blackvale Forester
  • Wind Whistlers
  • Bestiary

  • Changeling
  • Horned Owl Mages
  • Love Talker Faerie
  • Oak Maidens
  • Red Cap
  • Salmon of Knowledge
  • Thursar
  • Trooping Faeries
  • Type
    Geopolitical, Country

    Character flag image: by Scott A. Story


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