Blackvale Places of Interest

Elf Dance

In Aarach, Blackvale, there is a series of Paleolithic dolmens that perplex people. If viewed from above, or by looking at an accurate map, these stones are arranged in a complex pattern that could be an ancient but unknown device, or maybe an ancient wizard’s sigil. The stones carry a charge that is detectable by touch, and despite the feature’s name, it appears to have nothing to do with elves or faeries.  

Gaheris Retreat


Ol’ Circle

This a stone circle in Blackvale County, Blackvale, but one built of Kui-kor stones. Kui-kor stones are rarely large, but those in the circle are up to 8’ tall. If this site is activated, the resultant effects are those associated with the Kui-kor, but levels higher. Perhaps for this reason animals will not enter the circle.  

Rock of Klondith

In Klondith, Blackvale, on the border with Sothal, Orlois, there is a cairn, still capped with a cyclopean stone, that has imprisoned something within. This entity is covered in more detail in the Bestiary.


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