
Onac Town

Bromsfeld, sometimes called Onac town, has a population around 9,500. It was founded in 1024, got its first charter in 1182, had it revoked in 1200, and got their current charter in 1205. Its crest is a bull head erased on a field of sanguine with bordure argent and sanguine. Blaylock Eight-Eyed is the town’s patron saint.

Bromsfeld is a land-bound, agricultural community, and its political location is the Barony of Hunthrop, the County of Voorse, the Palatine Duchy of Hexton, in the High Kingdom of Rhonce. Bromsfeld is connected by secondary roads to South Ward Town to the northeast; Dhasmyr Town in a southerly direction; Aldford Town to the west-by-southwest; Essien-on-the-Dhal Town in a northwesterly direction; and Knitwick Town in the northwest.

Bromsfeld’s walls are timbered, but its gatehouses and some towers have been upgraded to modern stonework. Bromsfeld centers around its market’s L-shaped layout, with its church being the most prominent building, followed closely by its unified guild house, trading houses, and great hall.
Despite its oddly configured market street, this was a purpose-built town on a grid. Its buildings are constructed in attractive half brick/half timbered fashion, and Market Street is cobbled, while the remaining streets are not.

Bromsfeld’s people are taciturn, self-reliant, and mistrustful of educated people and rich outsiders. The town’s principal export is onac leather, cured in brains and is in high demand. Onacs are plentiful here, so there are many onac trappers.

Every year Bromsfeld celebrates their sacred/profane festival, a holiday of craziness where natives strike each other with garlic whips or padded hammers.

Bromsfeld has a pervasive aura of weirdness that increases at dusk, and it is dotted with transient grim world traps (see High Strangeness for both).

Legendary personages include Kedrick, immortalized by the Kedrickstand Hills in Voorse, and he is remembered as a powerful wizard who collected wives. He is thought to have had twelve of them in quick succession, all in the quest to father an heir.


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