World Codex

Hexton's World View

- We of Hexton are the people of the bull—brutally strong, aggressive, and decked out with deadly horns! This is why you see the horn motif in our sword hilts and carved into our armor.
  • We descend from the people of the ax, the Mannaxe. We take our ancestry seriously, and we are still the most dangerous ax-men in the field! Besides our ominous bearded axes, Hextonians also dominate with two-handed swords.
  • The Hextonian Black Caps are the most feared mercenaries on Aarthus. This company is so tough that they forebear armor and fight close—very close! They eschew mounts, and the Black Caps happily will leap into the midst of charging cavalry to butcher the oncoming enemy.
  • We Hextonians scoff at all your grandeur, titles, and riches. Pfah! We claim glory through deeds, not shiny baubles! If you require a fancy title to impress your status upon others, you are doing it wrong.
  • In Hexton, slavery is still legal. We understand the value of human labor, and we are happy to sell it to you.
  • Even spirits may be enslaved here, as our Ghost Smiths will attest. These necromancer/craftsmen bind the souls of others to our weapons, granting us overwhelming benefits.
  • We are Hextonians first, Aorlisians second. We would do much better on our own than paying allegiance to a soft, corrupt empire. What has Aorlis ever done for us? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
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