Burlam Dynasty Aldric

The Grand Dolphin of Burlam, the Grand Explorer

This family is a cross between sea-going knights and greedy accountants. They are colonialists at heart, always looking for new lands and profits. The head of House Aldrik comes with the sobriquets of the Grand Dolphin of Burlam and the Grand Explorer. Within the High Kingdom of Marcelle, the duke is Custodian of the Thallic Coast and Admiral of the Corlinstar Ocean.   The head of House Aldric is the Sovereign Duke of Burlam, the Count of Enlith, and the Baron of Aldric. He is also the Prince of Circularium, the Governor of the DeRoche Islands, and the Governor of Novelum. Since he has lands of his own abroad, but is a vassal of the High King of Marcelle in Aorlis, he has a great deal of leeway. Besides his overseas holdings, the Aldric’s capital is Enlith, and they have townhouses in Taeglos City, Bollington Town, St. Gilleanus-by-the-Sea Town, Gilley Town, Ignarth City, and Starshaven City.   The family badge is a heraldic dolphin, their motto is “Renounce All Equity,” and their morganatic name is Irons. House Aldric actively underwrites the University of Enlith, because this institution graduates a steady the flow of navigators and explorers needed for colonization and work overseas.   Like the Walthers of Eldris, the Aldrics of Burlam count Alg, Queen of Beneath the Ocean, a sea serpent who adopted human form as a mythic ancestor. Unlike the Walthers, the Aldrics claim to come from the union of Alg and Bronce, a mythological King of the Marcelle. Whatever the case, the Aldrics also include mermaid and siren blood in their family tree.   The Aldric’s parent house is Gedwin. House Aldric’s landed cadet houses are Bevery of Horngate, Brumston of Gant, and Gint of Dellcorse. The cadet houses without land are Flamen, Electelm, Diana, and Bergam.  


  • Circlet of Courage
  • Horn of Aldric
  • Spurs of Victory
  • Sword of Tanikton—Sword with Bypass Armor


  • They have a series of spells that reflect their maritime experience
  • Calm horses at sea
  • Encumbered Swimming—swim unencumbered in heavy armor
  • Halt vessel from sinking
  • Reinforce wooden hull
  • Whisper up maritime winds from different direction


  • Alliance—Vampires
  • Authority Figure
  • Bond—Nature (Forest)
  • Disciplined
  • Heroic Ancestor—Alg
  • Heroic Ancestor—Bronce
  • Midas Touch
  • Old Soul
  • Opportunist
  • Regal Presence
  • Roots—Mermaid
  • Roots—Siren
  • Social Privilege
  • Super Nuministics


  • Amoral
  • Emotionally Distant
  • Greedy
  • Obesity
  • Overly Entitled
  • Philanderer

    Skill Pool

  • Boating/Shipping
  • Bookkeeping
  • Cartography
  • Ciphering
  • Exchequer
  • Moneychanging
  • Navigating
  • Piloting


    • Aldric I 945-996 m. Tiffani the Siren
    • James I 996-1000
    • Walther I 1000-1021
    • Adrian I 1021-1049
    • Henry I 1049-1064 m. Averelle the Mermaid
    • Adam I 1064-1095
    • Peter I 1095-1105
    • James II 1105-1106
    • Hugh I 1106-1155
    • Henry I 1155-1159
    • Michael I 1159-1188
    • Adrian II 1118-1188
    • Adrian III 1188-1199
    • Peter I 1199-1225
    • Adrian IV 1225-Current

    Immediate Family

  • Adrian IV Aldric, Duke of Burlam
  • Consort—Beatrice
  • Heir—Archer Aldric, Knight of the Fountain, Count of Enlith
  • Heir’s Son—Eudes Aldric, Baron of Aldric
  • Younger Son—Everarde
  • Daughter—Everise


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