Burlam Fables & Folklore

Mercantile, Colonialism, Seafaring, and Steel...

Recurring Theme, Lore, or Symbolism

  • This is a culture based on mercantile, colonial expansion, seafaring, and steel.

Local Creatures

  • Vampires live in Wattanby Forest, Wattanby, as well as Burlam’s cities and towns.
  • With vampires, there are also mannequins, vampire familiars, a few elder vampires, and lots of rural Burlami are dhampyres. The dhampyres keep their powers and parentage to themselves so they won’t be put to death as children.
  • Will-o'-the-wisps in Wattenby, and they are aggressive. Being overcome by a will-o’-the-wisp turns the victim into a permanent Wattenby Forest dweller.

Historical Figures

  • Berold Bluebolt was a 12th century blademage.
  • Knarl Blackrune was a 10th century blademage.
  • William, the Duke of Battles, was an 11th century blademage.
  • Raeth of Burlam, the Walker in Shadows, is a 13th century worthy who grew up in Enlith, but his legend is empire wide.

Heroes & Monsters of Myth and Folklore

  • Alg, Queen of Beneath the Ocean, was a sea serpent who adopted human form. She fell in love with Bronce, king of the Marcelle, and their children formed a dynasty. Alg, like most “animal brides,” eventually returned to the sea and left Bronce forlorn.
  • Arnot, King of Vampires, is said to rule the Kingdom of Night from a castle in the old-growth areas of Wattenby Forest. The castle appears on no map, and protected by ever-shifting pathways and other spells of obfuscation.

Historical Sites

  • Alg’s Landing is a spectacular rock arch out over the sea. It excites the imagination and is wide enough for a ship to pass through. This is where Bronce met and fell in love with Alg.
  • The Cave of Nine Damned Souls, reputed to be somewhere along St. Gilleanas’ coast, is reported to be a fabulous treasure horde guarded by a fearsome curse. No one knows its location or remembers whose treasure it was. It is likely a pirate tale only.
  • The Grotto of Deadly Delight is said to be situated in near St. Gilleanas and is an underground garden of men, women, and beasts turned into stone by a sorceress named Medwin, Queen of Tears.

Magic on the Landscape

  • Wattanby Forest in Wattenby has an eerie air, especially the old growth areas, and is known for disorientation, will-o’-the-wisps, and disappearing equipment.

Legendary Items

  • Sword of Tanikton—Guarded by the citizens of Tanikton town, this old iron blade is said to have belonged to the city’s founding father, and that this blade has the power to ward away vampires. There is no proof the sword is original or that it has any effect on local vampires.

Material History

  • Burlami Steel is counted among the finest steels in Aorlis and the world. It is used in high quality swords and blades, and sometimes worked by magikal blademages, combination wizard/smiths devoted to empowering the finest weapons anywhere. These marvelous metal treasures live up to their vaunted reputations.
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