
South Thalium

Burlam's Worldview

  • You think Burlam is a small country. You clearly are an idiot. Our Aorlisian footprint is small, but we have established colonies all over the Known World. The wealth of distant lands and peoples fills out coffers. The ocean is our true kingdom, and our reach is greater than all of you combined.
  • We understand business and the relationship of money with power. You see a simple exchequer cloth, but we see strength and influence.
  • Burlami steel is the finest steel in the world, and our smiths know the secret of its production, and the spells to make it the envy of any living warrior.
  • Burlami people are hard-headed and unsentimental by choice. The future is ours to forge, and we will not be distracted by tender emotions.
    Burlam, sometimes called South Thalium, is the smallest country in the Marcelle, with a central location, bounded by Thalium to the north, and Eldris to the south. The coastal regions are rich, and the region’s remainder is forested. The Burlami people are hard-headed, unsentimental, born-to-the-sea merchants and mariners. Men here often shave the back half of their heads and wear drooping mustaches.
    This country produces great mariners and explorers, and in recent generations they have colonized many places far afield of Aorlis. Burlami crucible steel is justly famous, and weapons forged here command high prices. This region also produces fine marble, ships, regional wines, and silk. Burlam's patron saint is St. Gilleanas of the Sea. Burlam is pronounced Burr-lam, its adjective is Burlami and its demonym is Burlami or Burl-Men.
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    Natural Resources

  • Fishing
  • Granite
  • Marble
  • Tortoise Shell
  • Woad
  • Specialists Goods

  • Burlami Crucible Steel
  • Burlami Destrier
  • Burlami Red Wine
  • Dyed Silk
  • Locks
  • Raw Silk
  • Ship/Boat
  • Wine—Red (By County)
  • Specialists

  • Burlami Blade-Mage
  • Burlami Navigators
  • Bestiary

  • Blue Man Faeries
  • Dhampyre
  • Elder Vampire
  • Gnome
  • Mannequin
  • Vampire Familiar
  • Wattenby Will-o-the-Wisps
  • Type
    Geopolitical, Country

    Character flag image: by Scott A. Story


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