Caindos Dynasty Warnulf

The Black Warnulf of Caindos

The head of House Warnulf has many sobriquets, including the Fox Lord, the Old Fox, and the Black Warnulf. When they need a morganatic name, they employ their civilian name Agnarian. The head of this House is the Lord High Warden of Old Street, the Lord High Warden of the Djailos River, and the Chief of the Warnulf Clan, and they are of ducal rank. Indeed, the head of household is the Duke of Caindos, the Count of Ultimo, the Baron of Dhagros, and the Baron of Ruislan, although he often distributes his lesser titles to his heirs as courtesy titles.
The Warnulf’s also own townhouses in Imraldun, Mydia, Old Norward, and Idorn; and hunting lodges in Eofwin and Trimon (Gwyfned). The Warnulf’s owe allegiance to the High King of Arlium, though they do not make too fine a point of this. The family badges are the fox, or a black tower, their family color is sable, and their motto is “Shadow Be Thy Comfort.”   As an ancient family, they claim the legendary Brynn the Wolf as an ancestor, and in recent ages they have also intermarried with the Foxworthy family, who claimed descent from the legendary Tobias Todwick, an anthropomorphic fox shapeshifter. The Warnulfs have secretly supported the Slayer’s Guild since its inception.   The Warnulf’s parent house was Hencaster; their landed cadet families are Esald of Maburne (barony in Dhurse), and Dosem of Donlon (barony in Caindos and their unlanded cadet houses are Zachary, Edmer, Fulcher, and Absolom.   In general, the Warnulfs have been roguishly handsome and charismatic, if somewhat dangerous (read: sinister).  


  • Brynn the Wolf’s Dagger (ancient iron)
  • Eye of Vengeance (gem)
  • Stone of Veracity
  • Tobias Toddwick’s Seal


  • Cunning
  • Deceptive
  • Discriminating Listener
  • Ear-to-the-World
  • Epic Disengage
  • Heroic Ancestor—Brynn
  • Heroic Ancestor—Thurstom
  • Heroic Ancestor—Tobias Toddwick
  • Heroic Ancestor—Torentj
  • Mastermind
  • Obscurity
  • One-Step-Ahead
  • Patronage—Slayers Guild (secret)
  • Savior-Faire
  • Disadvantages

  • Creature of Habit
  • Dangerous Associates—Slayers’ Guild
  • Family Trait—Black Eyes
  • Family Trait—Jet Black Hair
  • Jealous
  • Leery Presence

    Skill Pool

  • Dagger
  • Dual-Wielding Daggers
  • Literacy


    • Warnulf I 825-857 m. Bridgit Foxworthy
    • William I 857-865
    • David I 865-894
    • Henry I 894-901
    • Gaurant I 901-923
    • Guy I 923-942
    • Gilbert I 942-944
    • Adam I 944-971
    • Gaurant II 971-981
    • Walther I 981-1113
    • Henry I 1113-1136
    • Michael I 1136-1139
    • Gaurant I 1139-1161
    • Norman I 1161-1180
    • Walther II 1080-1095
    • Geoffrey I 1095-1117
    • Gaurant II 1117-1132
    • James I 1132-1145
    • David II 1145-1164
    • Walther III 1164-1187
    • Walther IV 1187-1192
    • Rodney I 1192-present

    Immediate Family

  • Rodney Warnulf, Duke of Caindos b. 1175, r. 1192-Present
  • Consort I—Matilde m. 1191, d.1226
  • Heir—Rodney Warnulf the Younger, Count of Ultimo b. 1192
  • Heir’s Son—Rodney Warnulf the Even Younger, Baron of Dhagros b. 1225
  • Heir’s Younger Son—Rhogan Warnulf, Baron of Ruislan b. 1226
  • Consort II—Agnes m. 1227, d. 1234
  • Son—Brynn b. 1230
  • Son—Guy b. 1232 (twin)
  • Daughter—Ellisinore b. 1232 (twin)
  • Consort III—Herwise m. 1236
  • Son—Gaurant m. 1236


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