
⁃ The Wiltanism Heresy, centered on the Eofwin Forest, threatens the stability of Arlium. To date, the Church has treated Wiltanian priests and parishioners like wayward children needing further education. While this movement concerns the Church, there is as yet no agreement that this rises to heresy level. The situation is unstable, however, and one crime or misunderstanding could call down a Church crusade, followed by the inquisition.   ⁃ Valodic County views itself as a client state within the larger Noelred framework, and it would gladly secede. So far, no one knows if Valodic would seek to remain within the high kingdom of Arlium, or go completely independent. An alternative scenario is that Valodic might attempt to take control of greater Noelred and thus Arlium, making Valags its new capital city. The reigning queen of Noelred is a McTreyer from Valodic, and other family members dotted throughout the royal court. The McTreyers seem to be playing a long game, one based on military readiness and court infiltration.   ⁃ Caindos/Karlionne relations are always edgy, because in northern Karlionne, in the marcher counties that abut Caindos, raiding and cattle rustling is the norm. The marcher counties, Caerl, Mallorn, Remenger, and Greater Aelrid, have been granted sweeping powers to deal with the issue, but this has also made those counts more powerful, upsetting the Karlionne balance of power. Caindosian marcher lords, those of Ultimo, Devery, Glumn, and Gnilder, take great pleasure in goading the beast that is Karlionne.   ⁃ The royal forests regime is much feared and despised throughout the empire, and many see enforestation as an attempted royal takeover. A proposed Eofwin Forest to North Forest Corridor, connecting the two royal hunting grounds, effectively would enforest southern Eofwin. That would bring all Eofwin within the Royal Forestry Regime’s purview and make Eofwin’s nobles subservient within their own borders.   ⁃ There is a proposed Cithcaeron Royal Forest and Malkorl Royal Forest corridor that has been brought under consideration, and that would enforest all of Caindos. This would be a virtual royal coup, downgrading the Caindosian nobles and clan chiefs’ power substantially.   ⁃ Arlium, by Caindos, once owned Narbelle. Narbelle possesses rich resources, making it an attractive prize, and Arlium wants it back. Arrendos is Narbelle’s current overlord, and they have no intention of abandoning it. The competing powers would gladly engage in a proxy war to destabilize the region, or wage a full on Arlium/Arrendos war.   ⁃ Norward is a wealthy city-state that lies in northwestern West Karmithia at the crossroads of Old St., Ever St., and Never St., on the south shores of the Fern Maer. This state’s national borders fluctuate as regional power dynamics shift, but the city itself remains strong. Norward’s unparalleled access by sea and road make it a real prize. Norward’s Doge (Sovereign Duke) is Eldric Kolthen, younger brother to the High King of Arlium. Eldorn of Arlium has not tried to incorporate Norward into Arlium, choosing instead to honor Eldric’s goal of establishing his own dynasty. The mercenary company of the Black Lance is headquartered here, and they are involved in the local power dynamic too.   ⁃ Eldric of Norward has made an unsubstantiated claim on all of West Karmithia, although to date that has been considered more posturing than an actual statement of intent. Depending on the way the winds of political favor blow, Eldric could indeed transform his claims into bold action.   ⁃ The Parse island chain in the Fern Maer Sea comprises the Parse Island and Brandt Island. Parse is an independent country, but its proximity to the Empire of Aorlis and the Holy Karmithian Empire makes it strategically key. It has been aligned with both larger states at different times in the past, and now it is interested again in joining one or the other of its giant neighbors. Parse is tied into the economic spheres of both Aorlis and the Holy Karmithian Empire.
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