Caindos Geography


Caindos is heartbreakingly beautiful, and poor resources have kept it that way. Much of the country is unspoiled.  


The ground is rugged and uneven  


Average 1000’ to 2000’ feet above sea level, although this varies wildly, with some 3000’ hills and valleys.  




Most days here it is overcast, and there is some precipitation every day.  


The groundcover here turns purple in autumn.  
bog myrtle, bracken, buttercup, cranberry, foxglove, gorse, heather, moss, peat, saxifrage, tawny grass and wild violet


Evergreens are more prominent in the north, and deciduous trees making up the balance in the south. There are hawthorn, birch, alder, elder, pine, ash, beech, oak, sycamore, yew, dim, hazel, and poplar. Timber is a primary export.  



Birds—golden eagles, ptarmigans, red grouse, swans, pheasants, partridges, buzzards, crows (called blackcocks), and osprey. Gyr Falcons and peregrines are their specialty.

Wildlife —Adders, badgers, boars, fallow deer, foxes, hares, mountain lions, otters, red deer, roe dear, sheep, stoats, weasels, wild deer, wildcats, wolves.

Domesticated —cattle, sheep, pigs and highland ponies. The Caindos sheep are wild, aggressive, black-faced and have multiple horns.



Farming is mostly carried out in valleys. Overall, Caindos is not well suited for farming. Peat cutting is an industry here. Crops usually are barley or oats, but also wheat, rye and legumes. Side crops include lavender, roses and flax.  


Freshwater Fishing, Inland in the Seas of Silence, Lecia, and Ungreas.  




Azure (blue copper), copper, gold, iron, lead and mica  


Many of the lakes in Caindos are lochs, which are winding, deep bodies of water captured between hills  


Except for the Old Street, Caindos’ secondary roads are casual affairs maintained by the locals.

Natural Resources

  • Bitumen (Pitch Tar)
  • Flax
  • Freshwater Fishing
  • Timber
  • Wool (Small Dual Coated Dual Use Multicolor)
  • Specialists Goods

  • Caindosian Character Masks
  • Caindosian Whisky
  • Plaid Tweed
  • Specialists

  • Caindosian Slayer
  • Gallowglass
  • Rivermen
  • Bestiary

  • Banshee
  • BeRuk
  • Changelings
  • Faerie Bocan
  • Faerie White Ladies
  • Giant Rabbits
  • Leprechauns
  • Murtras
  • Ogres
  • Red Cap
  • Spectral Hounds
  • Trooping Faeries
  • Wave Walkers


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